Dopamine - 图1

Dopamine is a research framework for fast prototyping of reinforcement learning
algorithms. It aims to fill the need for a small, easily grokked codebase in
which users can freely experiment with wild ideas (speculative research).

Our design principles are:

  • Easy experimentation: Make it easy for new users to run benchmark
    1. experiments.
  • Flexible development: Make it easy for new users to try out research ideas.
  • Compact and reliable: Provide implementations for a few, battle-tested
    1. algorithms.
  • Reproducible: Facilitate reproducibility in results. In particular, our
    1. setup follows the recommendations given by
    2. [Machado et al. (2018)][machado].

In the spirit of these principles, this first version focuses on supporting the
state-of-the-art, single-GPU Rainbow agent (Hessel et al., 2018)
applied to Atari 2600 game-playing (Bellemare et al., 2013).
Specifically, our Rainbow agent implements the three components identified as
most important by Hessel et al.:

For completeness, we also provide an implementation of DQN
(Mnih et al., 2015).
For additional details, please see our

This is not an official Google product.

What’s new

  • 01/11/2018: Download links for each individual checkpoint, to avoid
    having to download all of the checkpoints.
  • 29/10/2018: Graph definitions now show up in Tensorboard.
  • 16/10/2018: Fixed a subtle bug in the IQN implementation and upated
    the colab tools, the JSON files, and all the downloadable data.
  • 18/09/2018: Added support for double-DQN style updates for the
    • Can be enabled via the double_dqn constructor parameter.
  • 18/09/2018: Added support for reporting in-iteration losses directly from
    the agent to Tensorboard.
    • Include the flag --debug_mode in your command line to enable it.
    • Control frequency of writes with the summary_writing_frequency
      agent constructor parameter (defaults to 500).
  • 27/08/2018: Dopamine launched!


Install via source

Installing from source allows you to modify the agents and experiments as
you please, and is likely to be the pathway of choice for long-term use.
These instructions assume that you’ve already set up your favourite package
manager (e.g. apt on Ubuntu, homebrew on Mac OS X), and that a C++ compiler
is available from the command-line (almost certainly the case if your favourite
package manager works).

The instructions below assume that you will be running Dopamine in a virtual
. A virtual environment lets you control which dependencies are
installed for which program; however, this step is optional and you may choose
to ignore it.

Dopamine is a Tensorflow-based framework, and we recommend you also consult
the Tensorflow documentation
for additional details.

Finally, these instructions are for Python 2.7. While Dopamine is Python 3
compatible, there may be some additional steps needed during installation.


First set up the virtual environment:

  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualenv
  2. virtualenv --python=python2.7 dopamine-env
  3. source dopamine-env/bin/activate

This will create a directory called dopamine-env in which your virtual
environment lives. The last command activates the environment.

Then, install the dependencies to Dopamine. If you don’t have access to a
GPU, then replace tensorflow-gpu with tensorflow in the line below
(see Tensorflow instructions
for details).

  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev
  2. pip install absl-py atari-py gin-config gym opencv-python tensorflow-gpu

During installation, you may safely ignore the following error message:
tensorflow 1.10.1 has requirement numpy<=1.14.5,>=1.13.3, but you’ll have
numpy 1.15.1 which is incompatible

Finally, download the Dopamine source, e.g.

  1. git clone

Mac OS X

First set up the virtual environment:

  1. pip install virtualenv
  2. virtualenv --python=python2.7 dopamine-env
  3. source dopamine-env/bin/activate

This will create a directory called dopamine-env in which your virtual
environment lives. The last command activates the environment.

Then, install the dependencies to Dopamine:

  1. brew install cmake zlib
  2. pip install absl-py atari-py gin-config gym opencv-python tensorflow

During installation, you may safely ignore the following error message:
tensorflow 1.10.1 has requirement numpy<=1.14.5,>=1.13.3, but you’ll have
numpy 1.15.1 which is incompatible

Finally, download the Dopamine source, e.g.

  1. git clone

Running tests

You can test whether the installation was successful by running the following:

  1. cd dopamine
  3. python tests/

The entry point to the standard Atari 2600 experiment is
To run the basic DQN agent,

  1. python -um dopamine.atari.train \
  2. --agent_name=dqn \
  3. --base_dir=/tmp/dopamine \
  4. --gin_files='dopamine/agents/dqn/configs/dqn.gin'

By default, this will kick off an experiment lasting 200 million frames.
The command-line interface will output statistics about the latest training

  1. [...]
  2. I0824 17:13:33.078342 140196395337472] gamma: 0.990000
  3. I0824 17:13:33.795608 140196395337472] Beginning training...
  4. Steps executed: 5903 Episode length: 1203 Return: -19.

To get finer-grained information about the process,
you can adjust the experiment parameters in
in particular by reducing Runner.training_steps and Runner.evaluation_steps,
which together determine the total number of steps needed to complete an
iteration. This is useful if you want to inspect log files or checkpoints, which
are generated at the end of each iteration.

More generally, the whole of Dopamine is easily configured using the
gin configuration framework.

Install as a library

An easy, alternative way to install Dopamine is as a Python library:

  1. # Alternatively brew install, see Mac OS X instructions above.
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake
  3. pip install dopamine-rl
  4. pip install atari-py

Depending on your particular system configuration, you may also need to install
zlib (see “Install via source” above).

Running tests

From the root directory, tests can be run with a command such as:

  1. python -um tests.agents.rainbow.rainbow_agent_test


Bellemare et al., The Arcade Learning Environment: An evaluation platform for
general agents
. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2013.

Machado et al., Revisiting the Arcade Learning Environment: Evaluation
Protocols and Open Problems for General Agents
, Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research, 2018.

Hessel et al., Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.

Mnih et al., Human-level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning. Nature,

Mnih et al., Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Machine Learning, 2016.

Schaul et al., Prioritized Experience Replay. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Learning Representations, 2016.

Giving credit

If you use Dopamine in your work, we ask that you cite this repository as a
reference. The preferred format (authors in alphabetical order) is:

Marc G. Bellemare, Pablo Samuel Castro, Carles Gelada, Saurabh Kumar, Subhodeep Moitra.
Dopamine,, 2018.