Homepage Theme

Themes can be used to customize your book’s homepage on gitbook.com using predefined or custom HTML template.

Predefined themes

GitBook predefined themes are open source and available on GitHub.

Variables for book homepage

Variable Type Description
book <book> Book to display

Book Representation

Variable Type Description
id string Complete id of the book (ex: Username/Test)
name string Name of the book
title string Title of the book
description string Description of the book
public boolean False if the book is private
price number Price of the book (0 equals free)
githubId string ID of the book on GitHub (ex: Username/Test)
categories array[string] List of tags associated with this book
author <user> User that created the book
collaborators array[<user>] Array of collaborators of the book (excluding the author)
cover.small string Url of the cover (size small)
cover.large string Url of the cover (size large)
urls.access string Url to access the book homepage
urls.homepage string Url of the homepage (using custom domain)
urls.read string Url to read the book
urls.reviews string Url to the reviews page
urls.subscribe string Url to submit email subscriptions
urls.download.epub string Url to download ebook (as EPUB)
urls.download.mobi string Url to download ebook (as Mobi)
urls.download.pdf string Url to download ebook (as PDF)

User Representation

Variable Type Description
username string Username of the user
name string Name of the user
urls.profile string Url to access the profile homepage
urls.avatar string Url of avatar
accounts.twitter string Username on Twitter (if linked)
accounts.github string Username on GitHub (if linked)