Chapter 15 The documentation generator (ocamldoc)

This chapter describes OCamldoc, a tool that generates documentation fromspecial comments embedded in source files. The comments used by OCamldocare of the form (*…) and follow the format describedin section 15.2.

OCamldoc can produce documentation in various formats: HTML, LATEX,TeXinfo, Unix man pages, and dot dependency graphs. Moreover,users can add their own custom generators, as explained insection 15.3.

In this chapter, we use the word element to refer to any of thefollowing parts of an OCaml source file: a type declaration, a value,a module, an exception, a module type, a type constructor, a recordfield, a class, a class type, a class method, a class value or a classinheritance clause.

15.1 Usage

15.1.1 Invocation

OCamldoc is invoked via the command ocamldoc, as follows:

  1. ocamldoc options sourcefiles

Options for choosing the output format

The following options determine the format for the generateddocumentation.

  • -html
  • Generate documentation in HTML default format. The generated HTML pagesare stored in the current directory, or in the directory specifiedwith the -d option. You can customize the style of thegenerated pages by editing the generated style.css file, or by providingyour own style sheet using option -css-style.The file style.css is not generated if it already exists or if -css-style is used.
  • -latex
  • Generate documentation in LATEX default format. The generatedLATEX document is saved in file ocamldoc.out, or in the filespecified with the -o option. The document uses the style fileocamldoc.sty. This file is generated when using the -latex option,if it does not already exist.You can change this file to customize the style of your LATEX documentation.
  • -texi
  • Generate documentation in TeXinfo default format. The generatedLATEX document is saved in file ocamldoc.out, or in the filespecified with the -o option.
  • -man
  • Generate documentation as a set of Unix man pages. The generated pagesare stored in the current directory, or in the directory specifiedwith the -d option.
  • -dot
  • Generate a dependency graph for the toplevel modules, in a format suitablefor displaying and processing by dot. The dot tool is available from textual representation of the graph is written to the fileocamldoc.out, or to the file specified with the -o option.Use dot ocamldoc.out to display it.
  • Dynamically load the given file, which defines a custom documentationgenerator. See section 15.4.1. Thisoption is supported by the ocamldoc command (to load .cmo and .cma files)and by its native-code version ocamldoc.opt (to load .cmxs files).If the given file is a simple one and does not exist inthe current directory, then ocamldoc looks for it in the customgenerators default directory, and in the directories specified withoptional -i options.
  • -customdir
  • Display the custom generators default directory.
  • -idirectory
  • Add the given directory to the path where to look for custom generators.

General options

  • -ddir
  • Generate files in directory dir, rather than the current directory.
  • -dumpfile
  • Dump collected information into file. This information can beread with the -load option in a subsequent invocation of ocamldoc.
  • -hidemodules
  • Hide the given complete module names in the generated documentation.modules is a list of complete module names separatedby ’,’, without blanks. For instance: Pervasives,M2.M3.
  • -inv-merge-ml-mli
  • Reverse the precedence of implementations and interfaces when merging.All elementsin implementation files are kept, and the -m optionindicates which parts of the comments in interface files are mergedwith the comments in implementation files.
  • -keep-code
  • Always keep the source code for values, methods and instance variables,when available.
  • -loadfile
  • Load information from file, which has been produced byocamldoc -dump. Several -load options can be given.
  • -mflags
  • Specify merge options between interfaces and implementations.(see section 15.1.2 for details).flags can be one or several of the following characters:
    • d
    • merge description
    • a
    • merge @author
    • v
    • merge @version
    • l
    • merge @see
    • s
    • merge @since
    • b
    • merge @before
    • o
    • merge @deprecated
    • p
    • merge @param
    • e
    • merge @raise
    • r
    • merge @return
    • A
    • merge everything
  • -no-custom-tags
  • Do not allow custom @-tags (see section 15.2.5).
  • -no-stop
  • Keep elements placed after/between the (/) special comment(s)(see section 15.2).
  • -ofile
  • Output the generated documentation to file instead of ocamldoc.out.This option is meaningful only in conjunction with the-latex, -texi, or -dot options.
  • -ppcommand
  • Pipe sources through preprocessor command.
  • -implfilename
  • Process the file filename as an implementation file, even if itsextension is not .ml.
  • -intffilename
  • Process the file filename as an interface file, even if itsextension is not .mli.
  • -textfilename
  • Process the file filename as a text file, even if itsextension is not .txt.
  • -sort
  • Sort the list of top-level modules before generating the documentation.
  • -stars
  • Remove blank characters until the first asterisk (’*’) in eachline of comments.
  • -ttitle
  • Use title as the title for the generated documentation.
  • -introfile
  • Use content of file as ocamldoc text to use as introduction (HTML,LATEX and TeXinfo only).For HTML, the file is used to create the whole index.html file.
  • -v
  • Verbose mode. Display progress information.
  • -version
  • Print version string and exit.
  • -vnum
  • Print short version number and exit.
  • -warn-error
  • Treat Ocamldoc warnings as errors.
  • -hide-warnings
  • Do not print OCamldoc warnings.
  • -help or —help
  • Display a short usage summary and exit.

Type-checking options

OCamldoc calls the OCaml type-checker to obtain typeinformation. The following options impact the type-checking phase.They have the same meaning as for the ocamlc and ocamlopt commands.

  • -Idirectory
  • Add directory to the list of directories search for compiledinterface files (.cmi files).
  • -nolabels
  • Ignore non-optional labels in types.
  • -rectypes
  • Allow arbitrary recursive types. (See the -rectypes option to ocamlc.)

Options for generating HTML pages

The following options apply in conjunction with the -html option:

  • -all-params
  • Display the complete list of parameters for functions and methods.
  • -charsetcharset
  • Add information about character encoding being charset(default is iso-8859-1).
  • -colorize-code
  • Colorize the OCaml code enclosed in [ ] and {[ ]}, using colorsto emphasize keywords, etc. If the code fragments are notsyntactically correct, no color is added.
  • -css-stylefilename
  • Use filename as the Cascading Style Sheet file.
  • -index-only
  • Generate only index files.
  • -short-functors
  • Use a short form to display functors:
  1. module M : functor (A:Module) -> functor (B:Module2) -> sig .. end

is displayed as:

  1. module M (A:Module) (B:Module2) : sig .. end

Options for generating LATEX files

The following options apply in conjunction with the -latex option:

  • -latex-value-prefixprefix
  • Give a prefix to use for the labels of the values in the generatedLATEX document.The default prefix is the empty string. You can also use the options-latex-type-prefix, -latex-exception-prefix,-latex-module-prefix,-latex-module-type-prefix, -latex-class-prefix,-latex-class-type-prefix,-latex-attribute-prefix and -latex-method-prefix.These options are useful when you have, for example, a type and a value withthe same name. If you do not specify prefixes, LATEX will complain aboutmultiply defined labels.

  • -latextitlen,style

  • Associate style number n to the given LATEX sectioning commandstyle, e.g. section or subsection. (LATEX only.) This isuseful when including the generated document in another LATEX document,at a given sectioning level. The default association is 1 for section,2 for subsection, 3 for subsubsection, 4 for paragraph and 5 forsubparagraph.
  • -noheader
  • Suppress header in generated documentation.
  • -notoc
  • Do not generate a table of contents.
  • -notrailer
  • Suppress trailer in generated documentation.
  • -sepfiles
  • Generate one .tex file per toplevel module, instead of the globalocamldoc.out file.

Options for generating TeXinfo files

The following options apply in conjunction with the -texi option:

  • -esc8
  • Escape accented characters in Info files.
  • -info-entry
  • Specify Info directory entry.
  • -info-section
  • Specify section of Info directory.
  • -noheader
  • Suppress header in generated documentation.
  • -noindex
  • Do not build index for Info files.
  • -notrailer
  • Suppress trailer in generated documentation.

Options for generating dot graphs

The following options apply in conjunction with the -dot option:

  • -dot-colorscolors
  • Specify the colors to use in the generated dot code.When generating module dependencies, ocamldoc uses different colorsfor modules, depending on the directories in which they reside.When generating types dependencies, ocamldoc uses different colorsfor types, depending on the modules in which they are defined.colors is a list of color names separated by ’,’, asin Red,Blue,Green. The available colors are the ones supported bythe dot tool.
  • -dot-include-all
  • Include all modules in the dot output, not only modules givenon the command line or loaded with the -load option.
  • -dot-reduce
  • Perform a transitive reduction of the dependency graph beforeoutputting the dot code. This can be useful if there area lot of transitive dependencies that clutter the graph.
  • -dot-types
  • Output dot code describing the type dependency graph instead ofthe module dependency graph.

Options for generating man files

The following options apply in conjunction with the -man option:

  • -man-mini
  • Generate man pages only for modules, module types, classes and classtypes, instead of pages for all elements.
  • -man-suffixsuffix
  • Set the suffix used for generated man filenames. Default is ’3o’,as in List.3o.
  • -man-sectionsection
  • Set the section number used for generated man filenames. Default is ’3’.

15.1.2 Merging of module information

Information on a module can be extracted either from the .mli or .mlfile, or both, depending on the files given on the command line.When both .mli and .ml files are given for the same module,information extracted from these files is merged according to thefollowing rules:

  • Only elements (values, types, classes, …) declared in the .mlifile are kept. In other terms, definitions from the .ml file that arenot exported in the .mli file are not documented.
  • Descriptions of elements and descriptions in @-tags are handledas follows. If a description for the same element or in the same@-tag of the same element is present in both files, then thedescription of the .ml file is concatenated to the one in the .mli file,if the corresponding -m flag is given on the command line.If a description is present in the .ml file and not in the.mli file, the .ml description is kept.In either case, all the information given in the .mli file is kept.

15.1.3 Coding rules

The following rules must be respected in order to avoid name clashesresulting in cross-reference errors:

  • In a module, there must not be two modules, two module types ora module and a module type with the same name.In the default HTML generator, modules ab and AB will be printedto the same file on case insensitive file systems.
  • In a module, there must not be two classes, two class types ora class and a class type with the same name.
  • In a module, there must not be two values, two types, or twoexceptions with the same name.
  • Values defined in tuple, as in let (x,y,z) = (1,2,3)are not kept by OCamldoc.
  • Avoid the following construction:
  1. open Foo (* which has a module Bar with a value x *)
  2. module Foo =
  3. struct
  4. module Bar =
  5. struct
  6. let x = 1
  7. end
  8. end
  9. let dummy = Bar.x

In this case, OCamldoc will associate Bar.x to the x of moduleFoo defined just above, instead of to the Bar.x defined in theopened module Foo.

15.2 Syntax of documentation comments

Comments containing documentation material are called specialcomments and are written between ( and *). Special commentsmust start exactly with (. Comments beginning with ( and morethan two * are ignored.

15.2.1 Placement of documentation comments

OCamldoc can associate comments to some elements of the languageencountered in the source files. The association is made according tothe locations of comments with respect to the language elements. Thelocations of comments in .mli and .ml files are different.

Comments in .mli files

A special comment is associated to an element if it is placed before orafter the element.A special comment before an element is associated to this element if :

  • There is no blank line or another special comment between the specialcomment and the element. However, a regular comment can occur betweenthe special comment and the element.
  • The special comment is not already associated to the previous element.
  • The special comment is not the first one of a toplevel module.A special comment after an element is associated to this element ifthere is no blank line or comment between the special comment and theelement.

There are two exceptions: for constructors and record fields intype definitions, the associated comment can only be placed after theconstructor or field definition, without blank lines or other commentsbetween them. The special comment for a constructorwith another constructor following must be placed before the ’|’character separating the two constructors.

The following sample interface file foo.mli illustrates theplacement rules for comments in .mli files.

  1. (** The first special comment of the file is the comment associated
  2. with the whole module.*)
  3. (** Special comments can be placed between elements and are kept
  4. by the OCamldoc tool, but are not associated to any element.
  5. @-tags in these comments are ignored.*)
  6. (*******************************************************************)
  7. (** Comments like the one above, with more than two asterisks,
  8. are ignored. *)
  9. (** The comment for function f. *)
  10. val f : int -> int -> int
  11. (** The continuation of the comment for function f. *)
  12. (** Comment for exception My_exception, even with a simple comment
  13. between the special comment and the exception.*)
  14. (* Hello, I'm a simple comment :-) *)
  15. exception My_exception of (int -> int) * int
  16. (** Comment for type weather *)
  17. type weather =
  18. | Rain of int (** The comment for constructor Rain *)
  19. | Sun (** The comment for constructor Sun *)
  20. (** Comment for type weather2 *)
  21. type weather2 =
  22. | Rain of int (** The comment for constructor Rain *)
  23. | Sun (** The comment for constructor Sun *)
  24. (** I can continue the comment for type weather2 here
  25. because there is already a comment associated to the last constructor.*)
  26. (** The comment for type my_record *)
  27. type my_record = {
  28. foo : int ; (** Comment for field foo *)
  29. bar : string ; (** Comment for field bar *)
  30. }
  31. (** Continuation of comment for type my_record *)
  32. (** Comment for foo *)
  33. val foo : string
  34. (** This comment is associated to foo and not to bar. *)
  35. val bar : string
  36. (** This comment is associated to bar. *)
  37. (** The comment for class my_class *)
  38. class my_class :
  39. object
  40. (** A comment to describe inheritance from cl *)
  41. inherit cl
  42. (** The comment for attribute tutu *)
  43. val mutable tutu : string
  44. (** The comment for attribute toto. *)
  45. val toto : int
  46. (** This comment is not attached to titi since
  47. there is a blank line before titi, but is kept
  48. as a comment in the class. *)
  49. val titi : string
  50. (** Comment for method toto *)
  51. method toto : string
  52. (** Comment for method m *)
  53. method m : float -> int
  54. end
  55. (** The comment for the class type my_class_type *)
  56. class type my_class_type =
  57. object
  58. (** The comment for variable x. *)
  59. val mutable x : int
  60. (** The commend for method m. *)
  61. method m : int -> int
  62. end
  63. (** The comment for module Foo *)
  64. module Foo :
  65. sig
  66. (** The comment for x *)
  67. val x : int
  68. (** A special comment that is kept but not associated to any element *)
  69. end
  70. (** The comment for module type my_module_type. *)
  71. module type my_module_type =
  72. sig
  73. (** The comment for value x. *)
  74. val x : int
  75. (** The comment for module M. *)
  76. module M :
  77. sig
  78. (** The comment for value y. *)
  79. val y : int
  80. (* ... *)
  81. end
  82. end

Comments in .ml files

A special comment is associated to an element if it is placed beforethe element and there is no blank line between the comment and theelement. Meanwhile, there can be a simple comment between the specialcomment and the element. There are two exceptions, forconstructors and record fields in type definitions, whose associatedcomment must be placed after the constructor or field definition,without blank line between them. The special comment for a constructorwith another constructor following must be placed before the ’|’character separating the two constructors.

The following example of file shows where to place commentsin a .ml file.

  1. (** The first special comment of the file is the comment associated
  2. to the whole module. *)
  3. (** The comment for function f *)
  4. let f x y = x + y
  5. (** This comment is not attached to any element since there is another
  6. special comment just before the next element. *)
  7. (** Comment for exception My_exception, even with a simple comment
  8. between the special comment and the exception.*)
  9. (* A simple comment. *)
  10. exception My_exception of (int -> int) * int
  11. (** Comment for type weather *)
  12. type weather =
  13. | Rain of int (** The comment for constructor Rain *)
  14. | Sun (** The comment for constructor Sun *)
  15. (** The comment for type my_record *)
  16. type my_record = {
  17. foo : int ; (** Comment for field foo *)
  18. bar : string ; (** Comment for field bar *)
  19. }
  20. (** The comment for class my_class *)
  21. class my_class =
  22. object
  23. (** A comment to describe inheritance from cl *)
  24. inherit cl
  25. (** The comment for the instance variable tutu *)
  26. val mutable tutu = "tutu"
  27. (** The comment for toto *)
  28. val toto = 1
  29. val titi = "titi"
  30. (** Comment for method toto *)
  31. method toto = tutu ^ "!"
  32. (** Comment for method m *)
  33. method m (f : float) = 1
  34. end
  35. (** The comment for class type my_class_type *)
  36. class type my_class_type =
  37. object
  38. (** The comment for the instance variable x. *)
  39. val mutable x : int
  40. (** The commend for method m. *)
  41. method m : int -> int
  42. end
  43. (** The comment for module Foo *)
  44. module Foo =
  45. struct
  46. (** The comment for x *)
  47. let x = 0
  48. (** A special comment in the class, but not associated to any element. *)
  49. end
  50. (** The comment for module type my_module_type. *)
  51. module type my_module_type =
  52. sig
  53. (* Comment for value x. *)
  54. val x : int
  55. (* ... *)
  56. end

15.2.2 The Stop special comment

The special comment (/) tells OCamldoc to discardelements placed after this comment, up to the end of the currentclass, class type, module or module type, or up to the next stop comment.For instance:

  1. class type foo =
  2. object
  3. (** comment for method m *)
  4. method m : string
  5. (**/**)
  6. (** This method won't appear in the documentation *)
  7. method bar : int
  8. end
  9. (** This value appears in the documentation, since the Stop special comment
  10. in the class does not affect the parent module of the class.*)
  11. val foo : string
  12. (**/**)
  13. (** The value bar does not appear in the documentation.*)
  14. val bar : string
  15. (**/**)
  16. (** The type t appears since in the documentation since the previous stop comment
  17. toggled off the "no documentation mode". *)
  18. type t = string

The -no-stop option to ocamldoc causes the Stop specialcomments to be ignored.

15.2.3 Syntax of documentation comments

The inside of documentation comments (*…) consists offree-form text with optional formatting annotations, followed byoptional tags giving more specific information about parameters,version, authors, … The tags are distinguished by a leading @character. Thus, a documentation comment has the following shape:

  1. (** The comment begins with a description, which is text formatted
  2. according to the rules described in the next section.
  3. The description continues until the first non-escaped '@' character.
  4. @author Mr Smith
  5. @param x description for parameter x
  6. *)

Some elements support only a subset of all @-tags. Tags that are notrelevant to the documented element are simply ignored. For instance,all tags are ignored when documenting type constructors, recordfields, and class inheritance clauses. Similarly, a @param tag on aclass instance variable is ignored.

At last, (**) is the empty documentation comment.

15.2.4 Text formatting

Here is the BNF grammar for the simple markup language used to formattext descriptions.

text::= {text-element}+
{ { 0 … 9 }+text}format text as a section header;the integer following { indicates the sectioning level.
{ { 0 … 9 }+:labeltext} same, but also associate the name label to the current point.This point can be referenced by its fully-qualified label in a{! command, just like any other element.
{btext}set text in bold.
{itext}set text in italic.
{etext}emphasize text.
{Ctext}center text.
{Ltext}left align text.
{Rtext}right align text.
{ullist}build a list.
{ollist}build an enumerated list.
{{:string} text}put a link to the given address(given as string) on the given text.
[string]set the given string in source code style.
{[string]}set the given string in preformattedsource code style.
{vstringv}set the given string in verbatim style.
{%string%}target-specific content(LATEX code by default, see detailsin
{!string}insert a cross-reference to an element(see section for the syntax of cross-references).
{!modules:string string … }insert an index tablefor the given module names. Used in HTML only.
{!indexlist}insert a table of links to the various indexes(types, values, modules, …). Used in HTML only.
{^text}set text in superscript.
{_text}set text in subscript.
escaped-stringtypeset the given string as is;special characters (’{’, ’}’, ’[’, ’]’ and ’@’)must beescaped by a ’\’
blank-lineforce a new line. List formatting

{ {- text } }+
{ {li text } }+

A shortcut syntax exists for lists and enumerated lists:

  1. (** Here is a {b list}
  2. - item 1
  3. - item 2
  4. - item 3
  6. The list is ended by the blank line.*)

is equivalent to:

  1. (** Here is a {b list}
  2. {ul {- item 1}
  3. {- item 2}
  4. {- item 3}}
  5. The list is ended by the blank line.*)

The same shortcut is available for enumerated lists, using ’+’instead of ’-’.Note that only one list can be defined by this shortcut in nested lists. Cross-reference formatting

Cross-references are fully qualified element names, as in the example{!Foo.Bar.t}. This is an ambiguous reference as it may designatea type name, a value name, a class name, etc. It is possible to makeexplicit the intended syntactic class, using {!type:Foo.Bar.t} todesignate a type, and {!val:Foo.Bar.t} a value of the same name.

The list of possible syntactic class is as follows:

tagsyntactic class
modtype:module type
classtype:class type
method:class method
section:ocamldoc section
const:variant constructor
recfield:record field

In the case of variant constructors or record field, the constructoror field name should be preceded by the name of the correspond type –to avoid the ambiguity of several types having the same constructornames. For example, the constructor Node of the type tree will bereferenced as {!tree.Node} or {!const:tree.Node}, or possibly{!Mod1.Mod2.tree.Node} from outside the module. First sentence

In the description of a value, type, exception, module, module type, classor class type, the first sentence is sometimes used in indexes, orwhen just a part of the description is needed. The first sentenceis composed of the first characters of the description, until

  • the first dot followed by a blank, or
  • the first blank lineoutside of the following text formatting : {ullist} , {ollist} , [string] , {[string]} , {vstringv} , {%string%} , {!string} , {^text} , {_text} . Target-specific formatting

The content inside {%foo: … %} is target-specific and will only beinterpreted by the backend foo, and ignored by the others. Thebackends of the distribution are latex, html, texi and man. Ifno target is specified (syntax {% … %}), latex is chosen bydefault. Custom generators may support their own target prefix. Recognized HTML tags

The HTML tags <b>..</b>,<code>..</code>,<i>..</i>,<ul>..</ul>,<ol>..</ol>,<li>..</li>,<center>..</center> and<h[0-9]>..</h[0-9]> can be used instead of, respectively, {b ..} , [..] , {i ..} , {ul ..} , {ol ..} , {li ..} , {C ..} and{[0-9] ..}.

15.2.5 Documentation tags (@-tags)

Predefined tags

The following table gives the list of predefined @-tags, with theirsyntax and meaning.

@authorstringThe author of the element. One author per@author tag.There may be several @author tags for the same element.
@deprecatedtextThe text should describe when the element wasdeprecated, what to use as a replacement, and possibly the reasonfor deprecation.
@paramid textAssociate the given description (text) to thegiven parameter name id. This tag is used for functions,methods, classes and functors.
@raiseExc textExplain that the element may raisethe exception Exc.
@returntextDescribe the return value andits possible values. This tag is used for functionsand methods.
@see<URL> textAdd a reference to the URLwith the given text as comment.
@see'filename'textAdd a reference to the given file name(written between single quotes), with the given text as comment.
@see"document-name"textAdd a reference to the givendocument name (written between double quotes), with the given textas comment.
@sincestringIndicate when the element was introduced.
@beforeversiontextAssociate the given description (text)to the given version in order to document compatibility issues.
@versionstringThe version number for the element.

Custom tags

You can use custom tags in the documentation comments, but they willhave no effect if the generator used does not handle them. To use acustom tag, for example foo, just put @foo with some text in yourcomment, as in:

  1. (** My comment to show you a custom tag.
  2. @foo this is the text argument to the [foo] custom tag.
  3. *)

To handle custom tags, you need to define a custom generator,as explained in section 15.3.2.

15.3 Custom generators

OCamldoc operates in two steps:

  • analysis of the source files;
  • generation of documentation, through a documentation generator,which is an object of class Odoc_args.class_generator.Users can provide their own documentation generator to be used duringstep 2 instead of the default generators.All the information retrieved during the analysis step is available throughthe Odoc_info module, which gives access to all the types and functionsrepresenting the elements found in the given modules, with their associateddescription.

The files you can use to define custom generators are installed in theocamldoc sub-directory of the OCaml standard library.

15.3.1 The generator modules

The type of a generator module depends on the kind of generated documentation.Here is the list of generator module types, with the name of the generatorclass in the module :

  • for HTML : Odoc_html.Html_generator (class html),
  • for LATEX : Odoc_latex.Latex_generator (class latex),
  • for TeXinfo : Odoc_texi.Texi_generator (class texi),
  • for man pages : Odoc_man.Man_generator (class man),
  • for graphviz (dot) : Odoc_dot.Dot_generator (class dot),
  • for other kinds : Odoc_gen.Base (class generator).That is, to define a new generator, one must implement a module withthe expected signature, and with the given generator class, providingthe generate method as entry point to make the generator generatesdocumentation for a given list of modules :
  1. method generate : Odoc_info.Module.t_module list -> unit

This method will be called with the list of analysed and possiblymerged Odoc_info.t_module structures.

It is recommended to inherit from the current generator of the samekind as the one you want to define. Doing so, it is possible toload various custom generators to combine improvements brought by each one.

This is done using first class modules (see chapter 8.6).

The easiest way to define a custom generator is the following this example,here extending the current HTML generator. We don’t have to know if this isthe original HTML generator defined in ocamldoc or if it has been extendedalready by a previously loaded custom generator :

  1. module Generator (G : Odoc_html.Html_generator) =
  2. struct
  3. class html =
  4. object(self)
  5. inherit G.html as html
  6. (* ... *)
  8. method generate module_list =
  9. (* ... *)
  10. ()
  12. (* ... *)
  13. end
  14. end;;
  16. let _ = Odoc_args.extend_html_generator (module Generator : Odoc_gen.Html_functor);;

To know which methods to override and/or which methods are available,have a look at the different base implementations, depending on thekind of generator you are extending :

15.3.2 Handling custom tags

Making a custom generator handle custom tags (see15.2.5) is very simple.


Here is how to develop a HTML generator handling your custom tags.

The class Odoc_html.Generator.html inheritsfrom the class, containing a field tag_functions which is alist pairs composed of a custom tag (e.g. "foo") and a function takinga text and returning HTML code (of type string).To handle a new tag bar, extend the current HTML generatorand complete the tag_functions field:

  1. module Generator (G : Odoc_html.Html_generator) =
  2. struct
  3. class html =
  4. object(self)
  5. inherit G.html
  7. (** Return HTML code for the given text of a bar tag. *)
  8. method html_of_bar t = (* your code here *)
  10. initializer
  11. tag_functions <- ("bar", self#html_of_bar) :: tag_functions
  12. end
  13. end
  14. let _ = Odoc_args.extend_html_generator (module Generator : Odoc_gen.Html_functor);;

Another method of the class will look for thefunction associated to a custom tag and apply it to the text given tothe tag. If no function is associated to a custom tag, then the methodprints a warning message on stderr.

For other generators

You can act the same way for other kinds of generators.

15.4 Adding command line options

The command line analysis is performed after loading the module containing thedocumentation generator, thus allowing command line options to be added to thelist of existing ones. Adding an option can be done with the function

  1. Odoc_args.add_option : string * Arg.spec * string -> unit

Note: Existing command line options can be redefined usingthis function.

15.4.1 Compilation and usage

Defining a custom generator class in one file

Let be the file defining a new generator class.Compilation of can be performed by the following command :

  1. ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c

The file custom.cmo is created and can be used this way :

  1. ocamldoc -g custom.cmo other-options source-files

Options selecting a built-in generator to ocamldoc, such as-html, have no effect if a custom generator of the same kind is provided using-g. If the kinds do not match, the selected built-in generator is used and thecustom one is ignored.

Defining a custom generator class in several files

It is possible to define a generator class in several modules, whichare defined in several files[i],[i], …,[i]. A .cmalibrary file must be created, including all these files.

The following commands create the custom.cma file from[i], …,[i] :

  1. ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c[i]
  2. ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c[i]
  3. ...
  4. ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c[i]
  5. ocamlc -o custom.cma -a file1.cmo file2.cmo ... filen.cmo

Then, the following command uses custom.cma as custom generator:

  1. ocamldoc -g custom.cma other-options source-files