


  1. class CheckAndMutateResult {
  2. /**
  3. * return value for checkAndMutate
  4. *
  5. * @param mutateSucceed true if mutate succeed.
  6. * @param checkValueReturned true if the check value is returned.
  7. * @param checkValueExist true if the check value is exist; can be used only when
  8. * checkValueReturned is true.
  9. * @param checkValue return the check value if exist; can be used only when checkValueExist is
  10. * true.
  11. */
  12. public boolean mutateSucceed;
  14. public boolean checkValueReturned;
  15. public boolean checkValueExist;
  16. public byte[] checkValue;
  17. }
  19. /**
  20. * atomically check and mutate by key, async version. if the check condition is satisfied, then
  21. * apply to mutate.
  22. *
  23. * @param hashKey the hash key to check and mutate.
  24. * @param checkSortKey the sort key to check.
  25. * @param checkType the check type.
  26. * @param checkOperand the check operand.
  27. * @param mutations the list of mutations to perform if check condition is satisfied.
  28. * @param options the check-and-mutate options.
  29. * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds. if timeout > 0, it is a
  30. * timeout value for current op, else the timeout value in the configuration file will be
  31. * used.
  32. * @return the future for current op
  33. * <p>Future return: On success: return CheckAndMutateResult. On failure: a throwable, which
  34. * is an instance of PException
  35. * <p>Thread safety: All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in
  36. * the same thread, so all the listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as
  37. * the same order as the listeners added. But listeners for different tables are not
  38. * guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
  39. */
  40. Future<CheckAndMutateResult> asyncCheckAndMutate(
  41. byte[] hashKey,
  42. byte[] checkSortKey,
  43. CheckType checkType,
  44. byte[] checkOperand,
  45. Mutations mutations,
  46. CheckAndMutateOptions options,
  47. int timeout /*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、CheckSortKey、CheckType、CheckOperand、Mutations、Options。
    • checkSortKey、checkType、checkOperand:用于指定检查的条件。
    • mutations:用于指定条件检查成功后要实施的set或者del操作。
    • options:其他选项,包括:
      • setValueTTLSeconds:新值的TTL时间;0表示不设置TTL限制。
      • returnCheckValue:是否需要返回CheckSortKey对应的value。
  • 返回值:CheckAndMutateResult,包括:
    • mutateSucceed:是否实施成功。
    • checkValueReturned:是否返回了CheckSortKey对应的value。
    • checkValueExist:CheckSortKey对应的value是否存在;该域只有在checkValueReturned=true时有意义。
    • checkValue:CheckSortKey对应的value值;该域只有在checkValueExist=true时有意义。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。另外以下情况也会抛出异常:
    • 如果CheckType为int compare类型的操作,且CheckOperand或者CheckValue转换为int64时出错,譬如不是合法的数字或者超出int64范围。