Fuzzy finder

SpaceVim provides five kinds of fuzzy finder, each of them is configured in a layer(unite, denite, leaderf, ctrlp and fzf layer).These layers have the same key bindings and features. But they need different dependencies.

User only need to load one of these layers, then will be able to get thesefeatures.

Key bindings

Key bindings Discription
<Leader> f <space> Fuzzy find menu:CustomKeyMaps
<Leader> f e Fuzzy find register
<Leader> f f Fuzzy find file
<Leader> f h Fuzzy find history/yank
<Leader> f j Fuzzy find jump, change
<Leader> f l Fuzzy find location list
<Leader> f m Fuzzy find output messages
<Leader> f o Fuzzy find outline
<Leader> f q Fuzzy find quick fix
<Leader> f r Resumes Unite window

But in current version of SpaceVim, leaderf/ctrlp and fzf layer has not be finished.

Feature unite denite leaderf ctrlp fzf
menu: CustomKeyMaps yes yes no no no
register yes yes no yes yes
file yes yes yes yes yes
yank history yes yes no no yes
jump yes yes no yes yes
location list yes yes no no yes
outline yes yes yes yes yes
message yes yes no no yes
quickfix list yes yes no yes yes
resume windows yes yes no no no

Key bindings within fuzzy finder buffer

key bindings Mode description
Tab/<C-j> - Select next line
Shift + Tab/<C-k> - Select previous line
jk Insert Leave Insert mode (Only for denite/unite)
Ctrl+w Insert Delete backward path
Enter - Run default action
Ctrl+s - Open in a split
Ctrl+v - Open in a vertical split
Ctrl+t - Open in a new tab
Ctrl+g - Exit unite

Denite/Unite normal mode key bindings

key bindings Mode description
Ctrl+h/k/l/r Normal Un-map
Ctrl+l Normal Redraw
Tab Normal Select actions
Space Normal Toggle mark current candidate, up
r Normal Replace (‘search’ profile) or rename
Ctrl+z Normal/insert Toggle transpose window

The above key bindings only are part of fuzzy finder layers, please read the layer’s documentation.