

Mappings guide

A guide buffer is displayed each time the prefix key is pressed in normal mode. It lists the available key bindings and their short description.The prefix can be [SPC], [Window], [denite], <leader> and [unite].

The default key of these prefix is:

Prefix name custom option and default value description
[SPC] NONE / <Space> default mapping prefix of SpaceVim
[Window] g:spacevim_windows_leader / s window mapping prefix of SpaceVim
<leader> default vim leader default leader prefix of vim/neovim

By default the guide buffer will be displayed 1000ms after the key has been pressed. You can change the delay by setting 'timeoutlen' option to your liking (the value is in milliseconds).

for example, after pressing <Space> in normal mode, you will see :


this guide show you all the available key bindings begin with [SPC], you can type b for all the buffer mappings, p for project mappings, etc.

after pressing <C-h> in guide buffer, you will get paging and help info in the statusline.

key description
u undo pressing
n next page of guide buffer
p previous page of guide buffer

to defined custom SPC mappings, use SpaceVim#custom#SPC(). here is an example:

  1. call SpaceVim#custom#SPC('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'echom "hello world"', 'test custom SPC', 1)

Unite/Denite describe key bindings

It is possible to search for specific key bindings by pressing ? in the root of guide buffer.

To narrow the list, just insert the mapping keys or description of what mapping you want, Unite/Denite will fuzzy find the mappings, to find buffer related mappings:


then use <Tab> or <Up> and <Down> to select the mapping, press <Enter> will execute that command.

Getting help

Denite/Unite is powerful tool to unite all interfaces. it was meant to be like Helm for Vim. These mappings is for getting help info about functions, variables etc:

Mappings Description
SPC h SPC discover SpaceVim documentation, layers and packages using unite
SPC h i get help with the symbol at point
SPC h k show top-level bindings with which-key
SPC h m search available man pages

Reporting an issue:

Mappings Description
SPC h I Open SpaceVim GitHub issue page with pre-filled information

Available layers

All layers can be easily discovered via :SPLayer -l accessible with SPC h l.

Available plugins in SpaceVim

All plugins can be easily discovered via <leader> l p.

Add custom plugins

If you want to add plugin from github, just add the repo name to the SpaceVim option custom_plugins:

  1. [[custom_plugins]]
  2. name = 'lilydjwg/colorizer'
  3. merged = 0


both the toggles mappings started with [SPC] t or [SPC] T. you can find it in the mapping guide.