Commands starting with g

after pressing prefix g in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, you will see the guide which will tell you the functional of all mappings starting with g.

Key Binding Description
g# search under cursor backward
g$ go to rightmost character
g& repeat last “:s” on all lines
g' jump to mark
g* search under cursor forward
g+ newer text state
g, newer position in change list
g- older text state
g/ stay incsearch
g0 go to leftmost character
g; older position in change list
g< last page of previous command output
g<Home> go to leftmost character
gE end of previous word
gF edit file under cursor(jump to line after name)
gH select line mode
gI insert text in column 1
gJ join lines without space
gN visually select previous match
gQ switch to Ex mode
gR enter VREPLACE mode
gT previous tag page
gU make motion text uppercase
g] tselect cursor tag
g^ go to leftmost no-white character
g_ go to last char
g` jump to mark
ga print ascii value of cursor character
gd goto definition
ge go to end of previous word
gf edit file under cursor
gg go to line N
gh select mode
gi insert text after ‘^ mark
gj move cursor down screen line
gk move cursor up screen line
gm go to middle of screenline
gn visually select next match
go goto byte N in the buffer
gs sleep N seconds
gt next tag page
gu make motion text lowercase
g~ swap case for Nmove text
g<End> go to rightmost character
g<C-G> show cursor info