Errors handling

SpaceVim uses neomake to gives error feedback on the fly. The checks are only performed at save time by default.

Errors management mappings (start with e):

Mappings Description
SPC t s toggle syntax checker
SPC e c clear all errors
SPC e h describe a syntax checker
SPC e l toggle the display of the list of errors/warnings
SPC e n go to the next error
SPC e p go to the previous error
SPC e v verify syntax checker setup (useful to debug 3rd party tools configuration)
SPC e . error transient state

The next/previous error mappings and the error transient state can be used to browse errors from syntax checkers as well as errors from location list buffers, and indeed anything that supports vim’s location list. This includes for example search results that have been saved to a location list buffer.

Custom sign symbol:

Symbol Description Custom option
Error g:spacevim_error_symbol
warning g:spacevim_warning_symbol
? Info g:spacevim_info_symbol