

We only support the installation of the requirements through conda.

Python == 2.7* or ( >= 3.3 and < 3.6 )
The development package (python-dev or python-devel on most Linux distributions) is recommended (see just below). Python 2.4 was supported up to and including the release 0.6. Python 2.6 was supported up to and including the release 0.8.2. Python 3 is supported past the 3.3 release.
NumPy >= 1.9.1 <= 1.12
Earlier versions could work, but we don’t test it.
SciPy >= 0.14 < 0.17.1
Only currently required for sparse matrix and special functions support, but highly recommended. SciPy >=0.8 could work, but earlier versions have known bugs with sparse matrices.
BLAS installation (with Level 3 functionality)
  • Recommended: MKL, which is free through Conda with mkl-service package.
  • Alternatively, we suggest to install OpenBLAS, with the development headers (-dev, -devel, depending on your Linux distribution).

Optional requirements

g++ (Linux and Windows), clang (OS X)
Highly recommended. Theano can fall back on a NumPy-based Python execution model, but a C compiler allows for vastly faster execution.
nose >= 1.3.0
Recommended, to run Theano’s test-suite.
Sphinx >= 0.5.1, pygments
For building the documentation. LaTeX and dvipng are also necessary for math to show up as images.
To handle large picture for gif/images.
NVIDIA CUDA drivers and SDK
Highly recommended Required for GPU code generation/execution on NVIDIA gpus. See instruction below.
Required for GPU/CPU code generation on CUDA and OpenCL devices (see: GpuArray Backend).
pycuda and skcuda
Required for some extra operations on the GPU like fft and solvers. We use them to wrap cufft and cusolver. Quick install pip install pycuda scikit-cuda. For cuda 8, the dev version of skcuda (will be released as 0.5.2) is needed for cusolver: pip install pycuda; pip install git+

Requirements installation through Conda (recommended)

Install Miniconda

Follow this link to install Miniconda.


If you want fast compiled code (recommended), make sure you have g++ (Windows/Linux) or Clang (OS X) installed.

Install requirements and optional packages

  1. conda install numpy scipy mkl <nose> <sphinx> <pydot-ng>
  • Arguments between <…> are optional.

Install and configure the GPU drivers (recommended)


OpenCL support is still minimal for now.

  • Install CUDA drivers
  • Follow this link to install the CUDA driver and the CUDA Toolkit.
  • You must reboot the computer after the driver installation.
  • Test that it was loaded correctly after the reboot, executing the command nvidia-smi from the command line.


Sanity check: The bin subfolder should contain an nvcc program. This folder is called the cuda root directory.

    • Fix ‘lib’ path
      • Add the ‘lib’ subdirectory (and/or ‘lib64’ subdirectory if you have a64-bit OS) to your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmentvariable.
  • Set Theano’s config flags

To use the GPU you need to define the cuda root. You can do it in one of the following ways:

  • Define a $CUDA_ROOT environment variable to equal the cuda root directory, as in CUDA_ROOT=/path/to/cuda/root, or
  • add a cuda.root flag to THEANO_FLAGS, as in THEANO_FLAGS='cuda.root=/path/to/cuda/root', or
  • add a [cuda] section to your .theanorc file containing the option root = /path/to/cuda/root.