
In the following, we guide you through installing the development tools in the macOS operating system.

Installing Java

To install Java in macOS:

  1. Go to the Amazon Corretto 11 download page at

  2. Download and run the macOs installer (.pkg).

  3. Follow the prompts in the wizard.

    Corretto Installer

Installing Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager that gives the easiest way to install both Maven and Node.js on macOS.

To install Homebrew, copy and paste the following into a terminal window:

  1. $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing Maven and Node.js

To install both Maven and Node.js, enter the following in a terminal window:

  1. $ brew install node maven

Installing the Eclipse IDE (optional)

You can install the Eclipse IDE either using an installer or manually. The installer downloads the installation package, extracts it, and sets it up in the system. You can also choose to manually download and extract the software package and then set it up manually.

After installing the Eclipse IDE itself, you can install the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse.

To install the Eclipse IDE using the installer and the the Vaadin plugin:

  1. Download the Eclipse Installer package for Mac OS X from

  2. Follow the instructions in the installer download page

  3. Start Eclipse

  4. Install and configure the Vaadin Plugin for the Eclipse IDE, as described in “Installing Vaadin Plugin for the Eclipse IDE”.

Installing IntelliJ IDEA (optional)

  1. Open a browser and go to the IntelliJ IDEA Mac download page at

  2. Download the Community Edition macOS Disk Image file (.dmg).

  3. Mount it as another disk in your system.

  4. Copy IntelliJ IDEA to your Applications folder.

  5. Start IntelliJ IDEA and set up your preferences. You can use the defaults, unless you have a reason not to.

Updated 2021-03-08  Edit this article