Strictly Speaking

Back in 2009 with the release of ES5, JS added strict mode as an opt-in mechanism for encouraging better JS programs.

The benefits of strict mode far outweigh the costs, but old habits die hard and the inertia of existing (aka “legacy”) code bases is really hard to shift. So sadly, more than 10 years later, strict mode’s optionality means that it’s still not necessarily the default for JS programmers.

Why strict mode? Strict mode shouldn’t be thought of as a restriction on what you can’t do, but rather as a guide to the best way to do things so that the JS engine has the best chance of optimizing and efficiently running the code. Most JS code is worked on by teams of developers, so the strict-ness of strict mode (along with tooling like linters!) often helps collaboration on code by avoiding some of the more problematic mistakes that slip by in non-strict mode.

Most strict mode controls are in the form of early errors, meaning errors that aren’t strictly syntax errors but are still thrown at compile time (before the code is run). For example, strict mode disallows naming two function parameters the same, and results in an early error. Some other strict mode controls are only observable at runtime, such as how this defaults to undefined instead of the global object.

Rather than fighting and arguing with strict mode, like a kid who just wants to defy whatever their parents tell them not to do, the best mindset is that strict mode is like a linter reminding you how JS should be written to have the highest quality and best chance at performance. If you find yourself feeling handcuffed, trying to work around strict mode, that should be a blaring red warning flag that you need to back up and rethink the whole approach.

Strict mode is switched on per file with a special pragma (nothing allowed before it except comments/whitespace):

  1. // only whitespace and comments are allowed
  2. // before the use-strict pragma
  3. "use strict";
  4. // the rest of the file runs in strict mode
Something to be aware of is that even a stray ; all by itself appearing before the strict mode pragma will render the pragma useless; no errors are thrown because it’s valid JS to have a string literal expression in a statement position, but it also will silently not turn on strict mode!

Strict mode can alternatively be turned on per-function scope, with exactly the same rules about its surroundings:

  1. function someOperations() {
  2. // whitespace and comments are fine here
  3. "use strict";
  4. // all this code will run in strict mode
  5. }

Interestingly, if a file has strict mode turned on, the function-level strict mode pragmas are disallowed. So you have to pick one or the other.

The only valid reason to use a per-function approach to strict mode is when you are converting an existing non-strict mode program file and need to make the changes little by little over time. Otherwise, it’s vastly better to simply turn strict mode on for the entire file/program.

Many have wondered if there would ever be a time when JS made strict mode the default? The answer is, almost certainly not. As we discussed earlier around backwards compatibility, if a JS engine update started assuming code was strict mode even if it’s not marked as such, it’s possible that this code would break as a result of strict mode’s controls.

However, there are a few factors that reduce the future impact of this non-default “obscurity” of strict mode.

For one, virtually all transpiled code ends up in strict mode even if the original source code isn’t written as such. Most JS code in production has been transpiled, so that means most JS is already adhering to strict mode. It’s possible to undo that assumption, but you really have to go out of your way to do so, so it’s highly unlikely.

Moreover, a wide shift is happening toward more/most new JS code being written using the ES6 module format. ES6 modules assume strict mode, so all code in such files is automatically defaulted to strict mode.

Taken together, strict mode is largely the de facto default even though technically it’s not actually the default.