Zettlr Documentation

Documentación Zettlr en español (mantenido por ScaredCoward)

Thank you for choosing Zettlr as your reliable writing companion. On these pages, we help you get started with the app to supercharge your own writing. If you haven't yet gotten your own copy of Zettlr, head over to the download page and get it for your operating system!

Getting Started

To see how to install Zettlr on your system, please consult the setup instructions. It is also recommended to set up Pandoc and LaTeX right away to enable all importing and exporting functionality of Zettlr. Don't worry, it's really easy!

Don't want to waste time? Head over to our very-quick start guide "Zettlr in 5 Minutes"! After five minutes you'll know everything you need to know.


Have a look at our user guides so that you can learn all workflows. The guides are not focused around features, they are focused around workflows. Here you can read about popular workflows, step by step.


Everyone can become very quick and efficient at his or her workflow, but can you really excel without a deep knowledge about how certain features work? Shortcuts to mundane tasks and key combinations for speeding up common tasks as well as hidden features of Zettlr are explained in the rest of the documentation. Learn how to move whole paragraphs around with two clicks or how to link to websites with only one click in these advanced guides.

Academic Tools

Zettlr has been developed with academic writing in mind. Therefore, it offers a lot of powerful tools to help you write academic texts right out of the box. You can explore the possibilities of Zettlr as an academic editor by browsing this category.

Get involved!

Currently, Zettlr is only available in a handful of languages. But according to the internet™, there are roughly 6,500 spoken languages on the world. So any help is welcome in translating the app. You can download all languages that have already been translated over at our translation page and even get into into translating it yourself! Do you want to translate the app into a language that is not offered at the page? Simply drop us a note, and we'll add it!

Head over to our documentation on how to help us make the app better by translating!