MySQL · 源码阅读 · 内部XA事务




MySQL的XA事务支持包括内部XA事务和外部XA事务。内部XA事务主要指单节点实例内部,一个事务跨多个存储引擎进行读写,那么就会产生内部XA事务;这里需要指出的是,MySQL内部每个事务都需要写binlog,并且需要保证binlog与引擎修改的一致性,因此binlog是一个特殊的参与者,所以在打开binlog的情况下,即使事务修改只涉及一个引擎,内部也会启动XA事务。外部XA事务与内部XA事务核心逻辑类似,提供给用户一套XA事务的操作命令,包括XA start, XA end,XA prepre和XA commit等,可以支持跨多个节点的XA事务。外部XA的协调者是用户的应用,参与者是MySQL节点,因此需要应用持久化协调信息,解决事务一致性问题。无论外部XA事务还是内部XA事务,存储引擎实现的prepare和commit接口都是同一条路径,本文重点介绍内部XA事务。




  1. //协调者选择的逻辑
  2. if (total_ha_2pc > 1 || (1 == total_ha_2pc && opt_bin_log))
  3. {
  4. if (opt_bin_log)
  5. tc_log= &mysql_bin_log;
  6. else
  7. tc_log= &tc_log_mmap;
  8. }
  9. else
  10. tc_log= &tc_log_dummy


  1. //binlog,tc_log_mmap和tc_log_dummy作为协调者的基本逻辑
  2. binlog作为协调者:
  3. prepareha_prepare_low
  4. commit write-binlog + ha_comit_low
  5. tclog作为协调者:
  6. prepareha_prepare_low
  7. commitwrtie-xid + ha_commit_low
  8. tc_dummy作为协调者:
  9. prepareha_prepare_low
  10. commitha_commit_low
  11. //是否支持2PC,是否修改超过了1个以上的引擎
  12. if (!trn_ctx->no_2pc(trx_scope) && (trn_ctx->rw_ha_count(trx_scope) > 1))
  13. error = tc_log->prepare(thd, all);



  1. struct THD_TRANS {
  2. /* true is not all entries in the ht[] support 2pc */
  3. bool m_no_2pc;
  4. /* number of engine modify */
  5. int m_rw_ha_count;
  6. /* storage engines that registered in this transaction */
  7. Ha_trx_info *m_ha_list;
  8. }
  9. //统计打标,是否涉及到多个引擎的修改。
  10. ha_check_and_coalesce_trx_read_only(bool all) {
  11. //统计打标
  12. for (ha_info = ha_list; ha_info; ha_info = ha_info->next()) {
  13. if (ha_info->is_trx_read_write()) ++rw_ha_count;
  14. //语句级统计
  15. if (!all) {
  16. Ha_trx_info *ha_info_all =
  17. &thd->get_ha_data(ha_info->ht()->slot)->ha_info[1];
  18. DBUG_ASSERT(ha_info != ha_info_all);
  19. /*
  20. Merge read-only/read-write information about statement
  21. transaction to its enclosing normal transaction. Do this
  22. only if in a real transaction -- that is, if we know
  23. that ha_info_all is registered in thd->transaction.all.
  24. Since otherwise we only clutter the normal transaction flags.
  25. */
  26. //将语句级的读写修改,同步到事务级的读写修改
  27. if (ha_info_all->is_started()) /* false if autocommit. */
  28. ha_info_all->coalesce_trx_with(ha_info);
  29. } else if (rw_ha_count > 1) {
  30. /*
  31. It is a normal transaction, so we don't need to merge read/write
  32. information up, and the need for two-phase commit has been
  33. already established. Break the loop prematurely.
  34. */
  35. break;
  36. }
  37. }
  38. }



  1. prepare逻辑:
  2. ha_prepare(bool prepare_tx) 这里的prepare_tx由外面传递的all=true/false决定。
  3. if (prepare_tx || (!my_core::thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN))) {
  4. tx->prepare
  5. }
  6. commit逻辑:
  7. ha_commit(bool commit_tx) 这里的commit_tx由外面传递的all=true/false决定。
  8. if (commit_tx || (!my_core::thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN))) {
  9. tx->commit
  10. }


  1. innobase_hton->commit = innobase_commit;
  2. innobase_hton->rollback = innobase_rollback;
  3. innobase_hton->prepare = innobase_xa_prepare;
  4. innobase_hton->recover = innobase_xa_recover;
  5. innobase_hton->commit_by_xid = innobase_commit_by_xid;
  6. innobase_hton->rollback_by_xid = innobase_rollback_by_xid;






  1. mysql_lock_tables
  2. lock_external
  3. handler::ha_external_lock
  4. ha_innobase::external_lock
  5. innobase_register_trx
  6. trans_register_ha
  7. Transaction_ctx::set_ha_trx_info
  8. void xengine_register_tx(handlerton *const hton, THD *const thd,
  9. Xdb_transaction *const tx) {
  10. DBUG_ASSERT(tx != nullptr);
  11. //注册stmt的trx信息
  12. trans_register_ha(thd, FALSE, xengine_hton, NULL);
  13. //显示开启的事务,ddl默认将AUTOCOMMIT关掉,符合条件
  14. if (my_core::thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)) {
  15. tx->start_stmt();
  16. trans_register_ha(thd, TRUE, xengine_hton, NULL);
  17. }
  18. }


  1. handler::ha_delete_row
  2. handler::ha_write_row
  3. handler::ha_update_row
  4. handler::mark_trx_read_write
  5. /**
  6. A helper function to mark a transaction read-write,
  7. if it is started.
  8. */
  9. void handler::mark_trx_read_write() {
  10. Ha_trx_info *ha_info = &ha_thd()->get_ha_data(ht->slot)->ha_info[0];
  11. /*
  12. When a storage engine method is called, the transaction must
  13. have been started, unless it's a DDL call, for which the
  14. storage engine starts the transaction internally, and commits
  15. it internally, without registering in the ha_list.
  16. Unfortunately here we can't know know for sure if the engine
  17. has registered the transaction or not, so we must check.
  18. */
  19. if (ha_info->is_started()) {
  20. DBUG_ASSERT(has_transactions());
  21. /*
  22. table_share can be NULL in ha_delete_table(). See implementation
  23. of standalone function ha_delete_table() in
  24. */
  25. if (table_share == NULL || table_share->tmp_table == NO_TMP_TABLE) {
  26. /* TempTable and Heap tables don't use/support transactions. */
  27. ha_info->set_trx_read_write();
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }



  1. /**
  2. Check if statement (typically DDL) needs auto-commit mode temporarily
  3. turned off.
  4. @note This is necessary to prevent InnoDB from automatically committing
  5. InnoDB transaction each time data-dictionary tables are closed
  6. after being updated.
  7. */
  8. static bool sqlcom_needs_autocommit_off(const LEX *lex) {
  9. return (sql_command_flags[lex->sql_command] & CF_NEEDS_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF) ||
  10. (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE &&
  11. !(lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE)) ||
  12. (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE && !lex->drop_temporary);
  13. }
  14. /*
  15. For statements which need this, prevent InnoDB from automatically
  16. committing InnoDB transaction each time data-dictionary tables are
  17. closed after being updated.
  18. */
  19. Disable_autocommit_guard(THD *thd) {
  20. m_thd->variables.option_bits &= ~OPTION_AUTOCOMMIT;
  21. m_thd->variables.option_bits |= OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT;
  22. }







| 1 | 场景 | 类别 | 是否走2PC流程 | 备注 | | — | — | — | — | — |
| 2 | (one-stmt)+(modify xengine) | DML事务 | no | 隐式事务,autocommit=on,单语句自动提交事务|
| 3 | (one-stmt)(modify xengine+innodb) | | yes | 隐式事务,autocommit=on,单语句自动提交事务 |
| 4 | (multi-stmt)+(modify xengine) | | no | 显示事务, 结合begin/commit |
| 5 | (multi-stmt)+(modify xengine+innodb) | | yes | 显示事务, 结合begin/commit |
| 6 | create table | DDL事务 | yes | storage engine mark_read_write |
| 7 | drop table | | yes | storage engine mark_read_write |
| 8 | rename table | | yes | storage engine mark_read_write |
| 9 | alter table online | | yes | |
| 10 | alter table copy-offline | | yes | |