
ArangoSearch provides information retrieval features, natively integratedinto ArangoDB’s query language and with support for all data models. It isprimarily a full-text search engine, a much more powerful alternative to thefull-text index type.

ArangoSearch introduces the concept of Views which can be seen asvirtual collections. Each View represents an inverted index to provide fastfull-text searching over one or multiple linked collections and holds theconfiguration for the search capabilities, such as the attributes to index.It can cover multiple or even all attributes of the documents in the linkedcollections. Search results can be sorted by their similarity ranking toreturn the best matches first using popular scoring algorithms.

Configurable Analyzers are available for text processing, such as fortokenization, language-specific word stemming, case conversion, removal ofdiacritical marks (accents) from characters and more. Analyzers can be usedstandalone or in combination with Views for sophisticated searching.

The ArangoSearch features are integrated into AQL asSEARCH operation and a set ofAQL functions.

Example use cases:

  • Perform federated full-text searches over product descriptions for aweb shop, with the product documents stored in various collections.
  • Find information in a research database using stemmed phrases, case andaccent insensitive, with irrelevant terms removed from the search index(stop word filtering), ranked by relevance based on term frequency (TFIDF).
  • Query a movie dataset for titles with words in a particular order(optionally with wildcards), and sort the results by best matching (BM25)but favor movies with a longer duration.