Build Environment

Custom tools, Helm, Jsonnet, and Kustomize support the following build env vars:

  • ARGOCD_APP_NAME - name of application
  • ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE - destination application namespace.
  • ARGOCD_APP_REVISION - the resolved revision, e.g. f913b6cbf58aa5ae5ca1f8a2b149477aebcbd9d8
  • ARGOCD_APP_SOURCE_PATH - the path of the app within the repo
  • ARGOCD_APP_SOURCE_TARGET_REVISION - the target revision from the spec, e.g. master.
  • KUBE_VERSION - the version of kubernetes
  • KUBE_API_VERSIONS = the version of kubernetes API

In case you don’t want a variable to be interpolated, $ can be escaped via $$.

  1. command:
  2. - sh
  3. - -c
  4. - |
  5. echo $$FOO