dotnet / dotnet-docker

示例 Docker 映像 - 图4

示例 Docker 映像 - 图5

示例 Docker 映像 - 图6
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示例 Docker 映像 - 图7

示例 Docker 映像 - 图8

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示例 Docker 映像 - 图9

Find file Copy path


Find file Copy path

@richlanderrichlanderUpdate samples (#1538)17c1eecJan 14, 2020

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示例 Docker 映像 - 图17

ASP.NET Core Docker Sample

This sample demonstrates how to build container images for ASP.NET Core web apps. You can use these samples for Linux and Windows containers, for x64, ARM32 and ARM64 architectures.

The sample builds an application in a .NET Core SDK container and then copies the build result into a new image (the one you are building) based on the smaller .NET Core Docker Runtime image. You can test the built image locally or deploy it to a container registry.

The instructions assume that you have cloned this repo, have Docker installed, and have a command prompt open within the samples/aspnetapp directory within the repo.

Try a pre-built version of the sample

If want to skip ahead, you can try a pre-built version with the following command and access it in your web browser at http://localhost:8000.

  1. docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80

Build an ASP.NET Core image

You can build and run a .NET Core-based container image using the following instructions:

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp .
  2. docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 aspnetapp

You should see the following console output as the application starts:

  1. > docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 aspnetapp
  2. Hosting environment: Production
  3. Content root path: /app
  4. Now listening on: http://[::]:80
  5. Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

After the application starts, navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

Note: The -p argument maps port 8000 on your local machine to port 80 in the container (the form of the port mapping is host:container). See the Docker run reference for more information on command-line parameters. In some cases, you might see an error because the host port you select is already in use. Choose a different port in that case.

You can also view the ASP.NET Core site running in the container on another machine. This is particularly useful if you are wanting to view an application running on an ARM device like a Raspberry Pi on your network. In that scenario, you might view the site at a local IP address such as

In production, you will typically start your container with docker run -d. This argument starts the container as a service, without any console interaction. You then interact with it through other Docker commands or APIs exposed by the containerized application.

We recommend that you do not use —rm in production. It cleans up container resources, preventing you from collecting logs that may have been captured in a container that has either stopped or crashed.

Note: See Establishing docker environment for more information on correctly configuring Dockerfiles and docker build commands.

Build an image for Windows Nano Server

The following example demonstrates targeting Windows Nano Server (x64) explicitly (you must have Windows containers enabled):

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:nanoserver -f Dockerfile.nanoserver-x64 .
  2. docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 aspnetapp:nanoserver

You can view in the app in your browser in the same way as demonstrated earlier.

You can use docker images to see the images you've built:

  1. > docker images aspnetapp
  3. aspnetapp latest b2f0ecb7bdf9 About an hour ago 353MB
  4. aspnetapp nanoserver d4b7586827f2 About an hour ago 353MB

Build an image for Alpine, Debian or Ubuntu

.NET Core multi-platform tags result in Debian-based images, for Linux. For example, you will pull a Debian-based image if you use a simple version-based tag, such as 3.1, as opposed to a distro-specific tag like 3.1-alpine.

This sample includes Dockerfile examples that explicitly target Alpine, Debian and Ubuntu. The .NET Core Docker Sample demonstrates targeting a larger set of distros.

The following example demonstrates targeting distros explicitly and also shows the size differences between the distros. Tags are added to the image name to differentiate the images.

On Linux:

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:alpine -f Dockerfile.alpine-x64 .
  2. docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 aspnetapp:alpine

You can view in the app in your browser in the same way as demonstrated earlier.

You can also build for Debian and Ubuntu:

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:debian -f Dockerfile.debian-x64 .
  2. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:ubuntu -f Dockerfile.ubuntu-x64 .

You can use docker images to see the images you've built and to compare file sizes:

  1. % docker images aspnetapp
  3. aspnetapp ubuntu 0f5bc72e4caf 14 seconds ago 209MB
  4. aspnetapp debian f70387d4d802 35 seconds ago 212MB
  5. aspnetapp alpine 6da2c287c42c 10 hours ago 109MB
  6. aspnetapp latest 8c5d1952e3b7 10 hours ago 212MB

You can run these images in the same way as is done above, with Alpine.

Build an image for ARM32 and ARM64

By default, distro-specific .NET Core tags target x64, such as 3.1-alpine or 3.1-nanoserver. You need to use an architecture-specific tag if you want to target ARM. Note that .NET Core is only supported on Alpine on ARM64 and x64, and not ARM32.

Note: Docker documentation sometimes refers to ARM32 as armhf and ARM64 as aarch64.

The following example demonstrates targeting architectures explicitly on Linux, for ARM32 and ARM64.

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:alpine-arm64 -f Dockerfile.alpine-arm64 .
  2. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:debian-arm32 -f Dockerfile.debian-arm32 .
  3. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:debian-arm64 -f Dockerfile.debian-arm64 .

You can use docker images to see a listing of the images you've built, as you can see in the following example.

  1. % docker images aspnetapp | grep arm
  2. aspnetapp debian-arm64 8bf21dd704cf 14 seconds ago 223MB
  3. aspnetapp debian-arm32 29a8bfa90a03 About a minute ago 190MB
  4. aspnetapp alpine-arm64 8ec6bf841319 2 minutes ago 125MB

You can do the same thing with Windows Nano Server, as follows:

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:nanoserver-arm32 -f Dockerfile.nanoserver-arm32 .

And docker images will show you the Nano Server image you've just built.

  1. >docker images aspnetapp | findstr arm
  2. aspnetapp nanoserver-arm32 8cad7f0499ca 23 seconds ago 283MB

You can build ARM32 and ARM64 images on ARM or x64 machines. It may be preferred to build on x64 to take advantage of higher performance, and the ability to take advantage of CI/CD services.

You won't be able to run .NET Core ARM64 images on x64 machines. Docker relies on QEMU to run ARM64 images on X64, but QEMU isn't supported by .NET Core. You must test and run .NET Core images on actual hardware for the given processor type.

Optimizing for startup performance

You can improve startup performance by using Ready to Run (R2R) compilation for your application. You can do this by setting the PublishReadyToRun property, which will take effect when you publish an application. This is what the -slim samples do (they are explained shortly).

You can add the PublishReadyToRun property in two ways:

  • Set it in your project file, as: <PublishReadyToRun>true</PublishReadyToRun>
  • Set it on the command line, as: /p:PublishReadyToRun=true

The default Dockerfile that comes with the sample doesn't use R2R compilation because the application is too small to warrant it. The bulk of the IL code that is executed in this sample application is within the .NET Core libraries, which are already R2R-compiled.

Optimizing for size

You may want to build an ASP.NET Core image that is optimized for size by publishing an application that includes the ASP.NET Core runtime (self-contained) and then is trimmed with the assembly-linker. These are the tools offered in the .NET Core SDK for producing the smallest images. This approach may be preferred if you are running a single .NET Core app on a machine. Otherwise, building images on the ASP.NET Core runtime layer is recommended and likely preferred.

The following instructions are for x64 only, but can be straightforwardly updated for use with ARM architectures.

There are a set of '-slim' Dockerfiles included with this sample that are opted into the following .NET Core SDK publish operations:

  • Self-contained deployment — Publish the runtime with the application.
  • Assembly linking — Trim assemblies, including in the .NET Core framework, to make the application smaller.
  • Ready to Run (R2R) compilation — Compile assemblies to R2R format to make startup faster. R2R-compiled assemblies are larger. The benefit of R2R compilation for your application may be outweighed by the size increase, so please do test your application with and without R2R.

You are encouraged to experiment with these options if you want to see which combination of settings works best for you.

The following instructions demonstrate how to build the slim Dockerfiles:

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:debian-slim -f Dockerfile.debian-x64-slim .
  2. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:alpine-slim -f Dockerfile.alpine-x64-slim .

You can then compare sizes between using a shared layer and optimizing for size using the docker images command again. The command below uses grep. findstr on Windows works equally well.

  1. % docker images aspnetapp | grep alpine
  2. aspnetapp alpine-slim 34135d057c0f 2 hours ago 97.7MB
  3. aspnetapp alpine 8567c3d23608 2 hours ago 109MB

Same thing with Debian:

  1. $ docker images aspnetapp | grep debian
  2. aspnetapp debian edfd63050f14 11 seconds ago 212MB
  3. aspnetapp debian-slim 13c30001b4fb 10 minutes ago 202MB

Note: These image sizes are all uncompressed, on-disk sizes. When you pull an image from a registry, it is compressed, such that the size will be significantly smaller. See Retrieving Docker Image Sizes for more information.

You can do the same thing with Windows Nano Server, as follows:

  1. docker build --pull -t aspnetapp:nanoserver-slim -f Dockerfile.nanoserver-x64-slim .

And docker images will show you the Nano Server image you've just built.

  1. >docker images aspnetapp
  3. aspnetapp nanoserver-slim 59d9aa2e5826 11 seconds ago 341MB
  4. aspnetapp nanoserver 1e16a73b42b3 34 seconds ago 353MB

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