
Effector objects are used to deflect fluids and influence the fluid flow. To define any mesh object as an effector object, add fluid physics by clicking Fluid in Properties ‣ Physics. Then select Effector as the fluid Type.


就像大多数物理系统一样,支持 力场 (如风或涡旋)。单个力类型的影响可以逐个域物体 控制




Physics ‣ Fluid ‣ Settings




  • 碰撞

    Objects of this type will collide with fluid.


    The velocity of objects of this type will be used when baking the guiding. So fluid guiding objects should move and have some velocity.

    • 速度系数

      Multiply the guiding object velocities by this factor. This is useful when working with multiple guiding objects and some of them should have higher or smaller velocities.

    • 引导模式

      The mode describes how guiding velocities should be written into the global guiding velocity field of the domain.


      The guiding object will compare the existing velocity in the global velocity field with its own velocity. If its absolute value is greater than the absolute value in the velocity field the guiding velocity will be kept.


      A guiding object will compare the existing velocity in the global velocity field with its own velocity. If its absolute value is smaller than the absolute value in the velocity field the guiding velocity will be kept.


      The most intuitive option. A guiding object will always write its own current velocity into the global guiding velocity field. Values in the velocity field from a previous frame or guiding object will be overridden.


      A guiding object will write the average of its own current velocity and the existing guiding velocity at that cell into the global guiding velocity field.


将效果器定义为单维度物体(即平面)或网格为 非流形。这可确保流体模拟器为这些类型的网格提供最准确的结果。

A manifold mesh can also be declared as planar. The fluid solver will then ignore the volume inside the mesh and just emit fluid from the mesh sides.


Additional area around the effector that will be considered as an effector.