2D Transform

The 2D Transform modifier applies two-dimensional scaling and/or rotation to the stroke backbone geometry. Scale is applied before rotation.

The center (pivot point) of these 2D transformations can be:

Stroke Center

The median point of the stroke.

Stroke Start

The beginning point of the stroke.

Stroke End

The end point of the stroke.

Stroke Point Parameter

The Stroke Point Parameter factor controls where along the stroke the pivot point is (start point if set to 0.0; end point if set to 1.0).

Absolute 2D Point

The Pivot X and Pivot Y allows you to define the position of the pivot point in the final render (from the bottom left corner).


Currently, you have to take into account the real render size, i.e. resolution and resolution percentage.

Scale X and Scale Y

The scaling factors, in their respective axes.

Rotation Angle

The rotation angle.


2D Transform modifier (blend-file).