Retrieves a historic decision instance by id, according to theHistoricDecisionInstance interface in the engine.


GET /history/decision-instance/{id}


Path Parameters

Name Description
id The id of the historic decision instance to be retrieved.

Query Parameters

Name Description
includeInputs Include input values in the result. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.
includeOutputs Include output values in the result. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.
disableBinaryFetching Disables fetching of byte array input and output values. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.
disableCustomObjectDeserialization Disables deserialization of input and output values that are custom objects. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.


A JSON object corresponding to the HistoricDecisionInstance interface in the engine.Its properties are as follows:

Name Value Description
id String The id of the decision instance.
decisionDefinitionId String The id of the decision definition that this decision instance belongs to.
decisionDefinitionKey String The key of the decision definition that this decision instance belongs to.
decisionDefinitionName String The name of the decision definition that this decision instance belongs to.
evaluationTime String The time the instance was evaluated. Default format* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
processDefinitionId String The id of the process definition that this decision instance belongs to.
processDefinitionKey String The key of the process definition that this decision instance belongs to.
processInstanceId String The id of the process instance that this decision instance belongs to.
caseDefinitionId String The id of the case definition that this decision instance belongs to.
caseDefinitionKey String The key of the case definition that this decision instance belongs to.
caseInstanceId String The id of the case instance that this decision instance belongs to.
activityId String The id of the activity that this decision instance belongs to.
activityInstanceId String The id of the activity instance that this decision instance belongs to.
tenantId String The tenant id of the historic decision instance.
userId String The id of the authenticated user that has evaluated this decision instance without a process or case instance.
inputs List of decision inputs The list of decision input values. Only exists if includeInputs was set to true in the query. For the decision input properties see below.
ouputs List of decision outputs The list of decision output values. Only exists if includeOutputs was set to true in the query. For the decision output properties see below.
collectResultValue Double The result of the collect aggregation of the decision result if used. Can be null if no aggregation was used.
rootDecisionInstanceId String The decision instance id of the evaluated root decision. Can be null if this instance is the root decision instance of the evaluation.
decisionRequirementsDefinitionId String The id of the decision requirements definition that this decision instance belongs to.
decisionRequirementsDefinitionKey String The key of the decision requirements definition that this decision instance belongs to.

Decision Input Value

Name Value Description
id String The id of the decision input value.
decisionInstanceId String The id of the decision instance the input value belongs to.
clauseId String The id of the clause the input value belongs to.
clauseName String The name of the clause the input value belongs to.
errorMessage String An error message in case a Java Serialized Object could not be de-serialized.
type String The value type of the variable.
value String/Number/Boolean/Object The variable's value. Value differs depending on the variable's type and on the disableCustomObjectDeserialization parameter.
valueInfo Object A JSON object containing additional, value-type-dependent properties.

For variables of type Object, the following properties are returned:

  • objectTypeName: A string representation of the object's type name.
  • serializationDataFormat: The serialization format used to store the variable.

Decision Output Value

Name Value Description
id String The id of the decision output value.
decisionInstanceId String The id of the decision instance the output value belongs to.
clauseId String The id of the clause the output value belongs to.
clauseName String The name of the clause the output value belongs to.
ruleId String The id of the rule the output value belongs to.
ruleOrder Integer The order of the rule the output value belongs to.
errorMessage String An error message in case a Java Serialized Object could not be de-serialized.
variableName String The name of the output variable.
type String The value type of the variable.
value String/Number/Boolean/Object The variable's value. Value differs depending on the variable's type and on the disableCustomObjectDeserialization parameter.
valueInfo Object A JSON object containing additional, value-type-dependent properties.

For variables of type Object, the following properties are returned:

  • objectTypeName: A string representation of the object's type name.
  • serializationDataFormat: The serialization format used to store the variable.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
404 application/json Historic decision instance with given id does not exist. See the Introduction for the error response format.



GET /history/decision-instance/aDecisionInstId?includeInput=true&includeOutputs=true


  1. {
  2. "activityId": "assignApprover",
  3. "activityInstanceId": "assignApprover:67e9de1e-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  4. "collectResultValue": null,
  5. "decisionDefinitionId": "invoice-assign-approver:1:4c864d79-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  6. "decisionDefinitionKey": "invoice-assign-approver",
  7. "decisionDefinitionName": "Assign Approver",
  8. "evaluationTime": "2015-09-10T11:22:06.000+0200",
  9. "id": "67ea2c3f-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  10. "inputs": [
  11. {
  12. "clauseId": "clause1",
  13. "clauseName": "Invoice Amount",
  14. "decisionInstanceId": "67ea2c3f-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  15. "errorMessage": null,
  16. "id": "67ea2c41-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  17. "type": "Double",
  18. "value": 123.0,
  19. "valueInfo": {}
  20. },
  21. {
  22. "clauseId": "clause2",
  23. "clauseName": "Invoice Category",
  24. "decisionInstanceId": "67ea2c3f-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  25. "errorMessage": null,
  26. "id": "67ea2c40-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  27. "type": "String",
  28. "value": "Misc",
  29. "valueInfo": {}
  30. }
  31. ],
  32. "outputs": [
  33. {
  34. "clauseId": "clause3",
  35. "clauseName": "Approver Group",
  36. "decisionInstanceId": "67ea2c3f-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  37. "errorMessage": null,
  38. "id": "67ea2c42-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  39. "ruleId": "DecisionRule_1of5a87",
  40. "ruleOrder": 1,
  41. "type": "String",
  42. "value": "accounting",
  43. "valueInfo": {},
  44. "variableName": "result"
  45. }
  46. ],
  47. "processDefinitionId": "invoice:1:4c6e3197-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  48. "processDefinitionKey": "invoice",
  49. "processInstanceId": "67e98fec-579d-11e5-9848-f0def1e59da8",
  50. "caseDefinitionId": null,
  51. "caseDefinitionKey": null,
  52. "caseInstanceId": null,
  53. "tenantId": null,
  54. "userId": null,
  55. "rootDecisionInstanceId": null,
  56. "decisionRequirementsDefinitionId": null,
  57. "decisionRequirementsDefinitionKey": null
  58. }
