Queries for historic identity link logs that fulfill given parameters.The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get Identity-Link-Log Count method.


GET /history/identity-link-log


Query Parameters

Name Description
type Restricts to identity links that have the given type (candidate/assignee/owner).
userId Restricts to identity links that have the given user id.
groupId Restricts to identity links that have the given group id.
dateBefore Restricts to identity links that have the time before the given time.
dateAfter Restricts to identity links that have the time after the given time.
taskId Restricts to identity links that have the given task id.
processDefinitionId Restricts to identity links that have the given process definition id.
processDefinitionKey Restricts to identity links that have the given process definition key.
operationType Restricts to identity links that have the given operationType (add/delete).
assignerId Restricts to identity links that have the given assigner id.
tenantIdIn Filter by a comma-separated list of tenant ids.
sortBy Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion. Valid values are time, type, userId, groupId, taskId, processDefinitionId, processDefinitionKey, operationType, assignerId, tenantId. Must be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter.
sortOrder Sort the results in a given order. Values may be asc for ascending order or desc for descending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter.


A JSON array of historic identity link log objects.Each historic identity link log object has the following properties:

Name Value Description
id String Id of the Historic identity link entry.
time String The time when the identity link is logged. Default format* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
type String The type of identity link (candidate/assignee/owner).
userId String The id of the user/assignee.
groupId String The id of the group.
taskId String The id of the task.
processDefinitionId String The id of the process definition.
processDefinitionKey String The key of the process definition.
operationType String Type of operation (add/delete).
assignerId String The id of the assigner.
tenantId String The id of the tenant.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
400 application/json Returned if some of the query parameters are invalid, for example if a sortOrder parameter is supplied, but no sortBy. See the Introduction for the error response format.



GET /history/identity-link-log?taskId=aTaskId


  1. [
  2. {
  3. "id": "1",
  4. "time": "2014-03-01T08:00:00.000+0200",
  5. "type": "candidate",
  6. "userId": "aUserId",
  7. "groupId": "aGroupId",
  8. "taskId": "aTaskId",
  9. "processDefinitionId": "12",
  10. "operationType": "add",
  11. "assignerId": "aAssignerId",
  12. "processDefinitionKey": "oneTaskProcess",
  13. "tenantId": "tenant1"
  14. },
  15. {
  16. "id": "2",
  17. "time": "2014-03-05T10:00:00.000+0200",
  18. "type": "candidate",
  19. "userId": "aUserId",
  20. "groupId": "aGroupId",
  21. "taskId": "aTaskId",
  22. "processDefinitionId": "12",
  23. "operationType": "delete",
  24. "assignerId": "aAssignerId"
  25. "processDefinitionKey": "oneTaskProcess",
  26. "tenantId": "tenant1"
  27. }
  28. ]

原文: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/reference/rest/history/identity-links/get-identity-link-query/