OSD Service Specification

Service Specification of type osd are a way to describe a cluster layout using the properties of disks. It gives the user an abstract way tell ceph which disks should turn into an OSD with which configuration without knowing the specifics of device names and paths.

Instead of doing this

  1. ceph orch daemon add osd *<host>*:*<path-to-device>*

for each device and each host, we can define a yaml|json file that allows us to describe the layout. Here’s the most basic example.

Create a file called i.e. osd_spec.yml

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: default_drive_group <- name of the drive_group (name can be custom)
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*' <- which hosts to target, currently only supports globs
  5. data_devices: <- the type of devices you are applying specs to
  6. all: true <- a filter, check below for a full list

This would translate to:

Turn any available(ceph-volume decides what ‘available’ is) into an OSD on all hosts that match the glob pattern ‘*’. (The glob pattern matches against the registered hosts from host ls) There will be a more detailed section on host_pattern down below.

and pass it to osd create like so

  1. ceph orch apply osd -i /path/to/osd_spec.yml

This will go out on all the matching hosts and deploy these OSDs.

Since we want to have more complex setups, there are more filters than just the ‘all’ filter.

Also, there is a –dry-run flag that can be passed to the apply osd command, which gives you a synopsis of the proposed layout.


  1. [monitor.1]# ceph orch apply osd -i /path/to/osd_spec.yml --dry-run



Filters are applied using a AND gate by default. This essentially means that a drive needs to fulfill all filter criteria in order to get selected. If you wish to change this behavior you can adjust this behavior by setting

filter_logic: OR # valid arguments are AND, OR

in the OSD Specification.

You can assign disks to certain groups by their attributes using filters.

The attributes are based off of ceph-volume’s disk query. You can retrieve the information with

  1. ceph-volume inventory </path/to/disk>

Vendor or Model:

You can target specific disks by their Vendor or by their Model

  1. model: disk_model_name


  1. vendor: disk_vendor_name


You can also match by disk Size.

  1. size: size_spec

Size specs:

Size specification of format can be of form:


  • :HIGH

  • LOW:


Concrete examples:

Includes disks of an exact size

  1. size: '10G'

Includes disks which size is within the range

  1. size: '10G:40G'

Includes disks less than or equal to 10G in size

  1. size: ':10G'

Includes disks equal to or greater than 40G in size

  1. size: '40G:'

Sizes don’t have to be exclusively in Gigabyte(G).

Supported units are Megabyte(M), Gigabyte(G) and Terrabyte(T). Also appending the (B) for byte is supported. MB, GB, TB


This operates on the ‘rotational’ attribute of the disk.

  1. rotational: 0 | 1

1 to match all disks that are rotational

0 to match all disks that are non-rotational (SSD, NVME etc)


This will take all disks that are ‘available’

Note: This is exclusive for the data_devices section.

  1. all: true


When you specified valid filters but want to limit the amount of matching disks you can use the ‘limit’ directive.

  1. limit: 2

For example, if you used vendor to match all disks that are from VendorA but only want to use the first two you could use limit.

  1. data_devices:
  2. vendor: VendorA
  3. limit: 2

Note: Be aware that limit is really just a last resort and shouldn’t be used if it can be avoided.

Additional Options

There are multiple optional settings you can use to change the way OSDs are deployed. You can add these options to the base level of a DriveGroup for it to take effect.

This example would deploy all OSDs with encryption enabled.

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: example_osd_spec
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*'
  5. data_devices:
  6. all: true
  7. encrypted: true

See a full list in the DriveGroupSpecs



The simple case

All nodes with the same setup

  1. 20 HDDs
  2. Vendor: VendorA
  3. Model: HDD-123-foo
  4. Size: 4TB
  5. 2 SSDs
  6. Vendor: VendorB
  7. Model: MC-55-44-ZX
  8. Size: 512GB

This is a common setup and can be described quite easily:

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: osd_spec_default
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*'
  5. data_devices:
  6. model: HDD-123-foo <- note that HDD-123 would also be valid
  7. db_devices:
  8. model: MC-55-44-XZ <- same here, MC-55-44 is valid

However, we can improve it by reducing the filters on core properties of the drives:

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: osd_spec_default
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*'
  5. data_devices:
  6. rotational: 1
  7. db_devices:
  8. rotational: 0

Now, we enforce all rotating devices to be declared as ‘data devices’ and all non-rotating devices will be used as shared_devices (wal, db)

If you know that drives with more than 2TB will always be the slower data devices, you can also filter by size:

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: osd_spec_default
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*'
  5. data_devices:
  6. size: '2TB:'
  7. db_devices:
  8. size: ':2TB'

Note: All of the above DriveGroups are equally valid. Which of those you want to use depends on taste and on how much you expect your node layout to change.

The advanced case

Here we have two distinct setups

  1. 20 HDDs
  2. Vendor: VendorA
  3. Model: HDD-123-foo
  4. Size: 4TB
  5. 12 SSDs
  6. Vendor: VendorB
  7. Model: MC-55-44-ZX
  8. Size: 512GB
  9. 2 NVMEs
  10. Vendor: VendorC
  11. Model: NVME-QQQQ-987
  12. Size: 256GB
  • 20 HDDs should share 2 SSDs

  • 10 SSDs should share 2 NVMes

This can be described with two layouts.

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: osd_spec_hdd
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*'
  5. data_devices:
  6. rotational: 0
  7. db_devices:
  8. model: MC-55-44-XZ
  9. limit: 2 (db_slots is actually to be favoured here, but it's not implemented yet)
  10. service_type: osd
  11. service_id: osd_spec_ssd
  12. placement:
  13. host_pattern: '*'
  14. data_devices:
  15. model: MC-55-44-XZ
  16. db_devices:
  17. vendor: VendorC

This would create the desired layout by using all HDDs as data_devices with two SSD assigned as dedicated db/wal devices. The remaining SSDs(8) will be data_devices that have the ‘VendorC’ NVMEs assigned as dedicated db/wal devices.

The advanced case (with non-uniform nodes)

The examples above assumed that all nodes have the same drives. That’s however not always the case.


  1. 20 HDDs
  2. Vendor: Intel
  3. Model: SSD-123-foo
  4. Size: 4TB
  5. 2 SSDs
  6. Vendor: VendorA
  7. Model: MC-55-44-ZX
  8. Size: 512GB


  1. 5 NVMEs
  2. Vendor: Intel
  3. Model: SSD-123-foo
  4. Size: 4TB
  5. 20 SSDs
  6. Vendor: VendorA
  7. Model: MC-55-44-ZX
  8. Size: 512GB

You can use the ‘host_pattern’ key in the layout to target certain nodes. Salt target notation helps to keep things easy.

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: osd_spec_node_one_to_five
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: 'node[1-5]'
  5. data_devices:
  6. rotational: 1
  7. db_devices:
  8. rotational: 0
  9. service_type: osd
  10. service_id: osd_spec_six_to_ten
  11. placement:
  12. host_pattern: 'node[6-10]'
  13. data_devices:
  14. model: MC-55-44-XZ
  15. db_devices:
  16. model: SSD-123-foo

This applies different OSD specs to different hosts depending on the host_pattern key.

Dedicated wal + db

All previous cases co-located the WALs with the DBs. It’s however possible to deploy the WAL on a dedicated device as well, if it makes sense.

  1. 20 HDDs
  2. Vendor: VendorA
  3. Model: SSD-123-foo
  4. Size: 4TB
  5. 2 SSDs
  6. Vendor: VendorB
  7. Model: MC-55-44-ZX
  8. Size: 512GB
  9. 2 NVMEs
  10. Vendor: VendorC
  11. Model: NVME-QQQQ-987
  12. Size: 256GB

The OSD spec for this case would look like the following (using the model filter):

  1. service_type: osd
  2. service_id: osd_spec_default
  3. placement:
  4. host_pattern: '*'
  5. data_devices:
  6. model: MC-55-44-XZ
  7. db_devices:
  8. model: SSD-123-foo
  9. wal_devices:
  10. model: NVME-QQQQ-987

This can easily be done with other filters, like size or vendor as well.