
Download options

There are several options to download CKEditor 5 builds:

After downloading the editor jump to the Basic API guide to see how to create editors.


Builds can be loaded inside pages directly from CKEditor CDN, which is optimized for worldwide super fast content delivery. When using CDN no download is actually needed.


All builds are released on npm. Use this search link to view all official build packages available in npm.

Installing a build with npm is as simple as calling one of the following commands in your project:

  1. npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic
  2. # Or:
  3. npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-inline
  4. # Or:
  5. npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-balloon
  6. # Or:
  7. npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-balloon-block
  8. # Or:
  9. npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-decoupled-document

CKEditor will then be available at node_modules/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-[name]/build/ckeditor.js. It can also be imported directly to your code by require( '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-[name]' ).

Zip download

Go to the CKEditor 5 builds download page and download your preferred build. For example, you may download the file for the Classic editor build.

Extract the .zip file into a dedicated directory inside your project. It is recommended to include the editor version in the directory name to ensure proper cache invalidation once a new version of CKEditor is installed.

Included files

  • ckeditor.js – The ready-to-use editor bundle, containing the editor and all plugins.
  • – The source map for the editor bundle.
  • translations/ – The editor UI translations (see Setting UI language).
  • and

Loading the API

After downloading and installing a CKEditor 5 build in your application, it is time to make the editor API available in your pages. For that purpose, it is enough to load the API entry point script:

  1. <script src="[ckeditor-build-path]/ckeditor.js"></script>

Once the CKEditor script is loaded, you can use the API to create editors in your page.

The build/ckeditor.js file is generated in the UMD format so you can also import it into your application if you use CommonJS modules (like in Node.js) or AMD modules (like in Require.js). Read more in the Basic API guide.

Also, for a more advanced setup, you may wish to bundle the CKEditor script with other scripts used by your application. See Advanced setup for more information about it.