ClickHouse Cloud Service Providers


If you have launched a public cloud with managed ClickHouse service, feel free to open a pull-request adding it to the following list.

Yandex Cloud

Yandex Managed Service for ClickHouse provides the following key features:

  • Fully managed ZooKeeper service for ClickHouse replication
  • Multiple storage type choices
  • Replicas in different availability zones
  • Encryption and isolation
  • Automated maintenance


Altinity.Cloud is a fully managed ClickHouse-as-a-Service for the Amazon public cloud.
- Fast deployment of ClickHouse clusters on Amazon resources
- Easy scale-out/scale-in as well as vertical scaling of nodes
- Isolated per-tenant VPCs with public endpoint or VPC peering
- Configurable storage types and volume configurations
- Cross-AZ scaling for performance and high availability
- Built-in monitoring and SQL query editor