
Package module for manipulating packages.


Editor.Package.load (path, callback)

  • path string - An absolute path point to a package folder
  • callback function - Callback when finish loading
    Load a package at path.

Editor.Package.unload (path, callback)

  • path string - An absolute path point to a package folder
  • callback function - Callback when finish unloading
    Unload a package at path.

Editor.Package.reload (path, callback)

  • path string - An absolute path point to a package folder
  • callback function - Callback when finish reloading
    Reload a package at path.

Editor.Package.panelInfo (panelID)

  • panelID string - The panel ID
    Find and get panel info via panelID, the panel info is the JSON object that defined in panels.{panel-name} in your package.json.

Editor.Package.packageInfo (path)

  • path string - The package path
    Find and get package info via path, the package info is the JSON object of your package.json file.

Editor.Package.packagePath (name)

  • name string - The package name
    Return the path of the package by name.

Editor.Package.addPath (path)

  • path string|array - Path to add
    Add package search path.

Editor.Package.removePath (path)

  • path string - Path to remove
    Remove package search path.

Editor.Package.resetPath ()

Reset path.

Editor.Package.find (name)

  • name string - Package name
    Find and return the package path via name.



Return current language setting.


Return package search path list.


Return the version of sub modules.

IPC Messages

Message: 'editor:package-query-info'

Message: 'editor:package-query-infos'

Message: 'editor:package-reload'