Editor.UI (Resources Module)


Editor.UI.getResource (url)

  • url string
    Get cached resource by url.

Editor.UI.importResource (url)

  • url string
    Load and cache the resource then return a promise.

Editor.UI.importScript (url)

  • url string
    Load and evaluate the script, cache the result then return a promise.

Editor.UI.importScripts (urls)

  • urls array
    Load and evaluate the script list, cache the result then return a promise.

Editor.UI.importStylesheet (url)

  • url string
    Load and cache the style sheet by url then return a promise.

Editor.UI.importStylesheets (urls)

  • urls array
    Load and cache the style sheet by urls list then return a promise.

Editor.UI.importTemplate (url)

  • url string
    Load and cache the template then return a promise.

Editor.UI.loadGlobalScript (url, cb)

  • url string
  • cb function
    Load and append script by url. Once it is done, the cb will be invoked.

NOTE: the different between loadGlobalScript and importScript is loadGlobalScript use <script> tag, and it will process zipped script internally in browser.However, loadGlobalScript cannot return evaluated result, which means you can only get the context in it by assigning global variable inside the target script.