
Public properties

positionRelative to the location of the installed node.
rotationRotation relative to the mounted node.
scaleRelative to the scale of the mounted node.
sphericalDirectionAmountRepresents the interpolation between the current emission direction and the connection direction from the current position to the center of the node.
randomPositionAmountIndicates the offset from the current launch position.



emitFromFrom which part of the block the particles are emitted.
edge: border
shell: surface
volume: inside



radiusSphere radius
radiusThickness0 means launch from the surface of the ball
1 means launch from the inside of the sphere
0 ~ 1 means launch from the surface to the center of the sphere



radiusRadius of circle
radiusThickness0 means launching from the circle
1 means launching from inside the circle
0 ~ 1 means launching from the circle to the center of the circle.
arcRepresents emission in a sector of the circle.
modeRepresents the emission method of particles in the fan-shaped area, random: random position.
loop: cyclic emission in a certain direction, the same direction every time
pingPong: cyclic emission, every time On the contrary
spread: indicates that the particles are emitted at a certain interval, for example, 0 indicates that they can be emitted at any position, and 0.1 indicates that they are emitted every tenth of the circumference.
speedRepresents the speed of particles emitted along the circumference.
spreadIt indicates where the particles are emitted in the arc when they are emitted along the circumference. For example, if arc is 120° and spread is 0.1, particles will be emitted every 12° from the arc.



angleAngle between cone axis and generatrix.
radiusRadius of the top of the cone.
lengthThe axial length of the top section of the cone from the bottom.
radiusThickness0 means launching from the circle
1 means launching from inside the circle
0 ~ 1 means launching from the circle to the center of the circle.
arcRepresents emission in a sector of the circle.
modeRepresents the emission method of particles in the fan-shaped area.
random: random position
loop: cyclic emission in a certain direction and the same direction every time
pingPong: cyclic emission, every time on the contrary
spread: indicates that the particles are emitted at a certain interval, for example, 0 indicates that they can be emitted at any position, and 0.1 indicates that they are emitted every tenth of the circumference.
speedRepresents the speed of particles emitted along the circumference.
spreadIt indicates where the particles are emitted in the arc when they are emitted along the circumference. For example, if arc is 120° and spread is 0.1, particles will be emitted every 12° from the arc.