
Welcome to the Dapr concepts guide!

Getting started with Dapr

If you are ready to jump in and start developing with Dapr, please visit the getting started section.

Install Dapr


Introduction to the Distributed Application Runtime

Building blocks

Modular best practices accessible over standard HTTP or gRPC APIs


Modular functionality used by building blocks and applications

Application and control plane configuration

Change the behavior of Dapr application sidecars or globally on Dapr control plane system services


Configure policies and monitor app and sidecar health


Observe applications through tracing, metrics, logs and health


How Dapr is designed with security in mind

Overview of the Dapr services

Learn about the services that make up the Dapr runtime

Dapr and service meshes

How Dapr compares to and works with service meshes

Dapr terminology and definitions

Definitions for common terms and acronyms in the Dapr documentation

Frequently asked questions and answers

Common questions asked about Dapr

Last modified September 20, 2021: updates to daprdocs, concepts, getting-started index pages (d2651cd3)