Pub 命令问题排查
Getting a “403” error when publishing a package
You receive the following error when running pub publish
HTTP error 403: Forbidden
You aren't an uploader for package '<foo>'
This problem can occur if one of your accounts was granted permission topublish a package, but the pub client registers you with another account.
You can reset pub’s authentication process by removing the credentials file:
$ rm ~/.pub-cache/credentials.json
Getting an “UnauthorizedAccess” error when publishing a package
You receive the following error when running pub publish
UnauthorizedAccess: Unauthorized user: <username> is not allowed to upload versions to package '<foo>'.
You will see this message if you are not on the list of peopleauthorized to publish new versions of a package.See Uploaders.
Pub build fails with HttpException error
You receive an HttpException error similar to the following whenrunning pub build
Pub build failed, [1] IsolateSpawnException: 'HttpException: Connection closed while receiving data,
library handler failed
This can happen as a result of some antivirus software, such as theAVG 2013 Internet security suite. Check the manual for your securitysuite to see how to temporarilydisable this feature. For example, seeHow to Disable AVG Components.
Pub get fails from behind a corporate firewall
From the command line, pub honors the http_proxy
and https_proxy
environment variables.You can set the proxy server environment variable as follows.
On Linux/macOS:
$ export https_proxy=hostname:port
On Windows Command Prompt:
$ set https_proxy=hostname:port
On Windows PowerShell:
$ $Env:https_proxy="hostname:port"
If the proxy requires credentials, you can set them as follows.
On Linux/macOS:
$ export https_proxy=username:password@hostname:port
On Windows Command Prompt:
$ set https_proxy=username:password@hostname:port
On Windows PowerShell:
$ $Env:https_proxy="username:password@hostname:port"