
This statement is used to view RESTORE tasks Grammar: SHOW RESTORE [FROM db_name]


  1. Palo -20165;- 20445;- 233844;-36817;- 27425RESTORE -21153s;
  2. Each column has the following meanings: JobId: Unique job ID Label: The name of the backup to be restored Timestamp: Time version of backup to be restored DbName: Subordinate database State: Current phase PENDING: The initial state after submitting a job SNAPSHOTING: In the execution snapshot DOWNLOAD: The snapshot is complete, ready to download the snapshot in the warehouse DOWNLOADING: Snapshot Download COMMIT: Snapshot download completed, ready to take effect COMMITING: In force FINISHED: Operation Successful CANCELLED: Job Failure AllowLoad: Is import allowed on recovery (currently not supported) ReplicationNum: Specifies the number of replicas recovered Restore Jobs: Tables and partitions to be restored CreateTime: Task submission time MetaPreparedTime: Metadata Readiness Completion Time Snapshot Finished Time: Snapshot completion time Download Finished Time: Snapshot download completion time FinishedTime: Job End Time Unfinished Tasks: The unfinished sub-task ID is displayed in the SNAP HOTING, DOWNLOADING, and COMMITING phases Status: Display failure information if the job fails Timeout: Job timeout, per second


  1. Check the last RESTORE task under example_db. SHOW RESTORE FROM example_db;
