
  1. This statement is used to show the execution of the specified Iceberg Database table creation task
  2. Syntax.
  3. SHOW TABLE CREATION [FROM db_name] [LIKE table_name_wild];
  4. Description.
  5. 1. Usage Notes
  6. 1) If db_name is not specified, the current default db is used.
  7. 2) If you use LIKE, it will match the table creation task with table_name_wild in the table name
  8. 2. The meaning of each column
  9. 1) Database: the name of the database
  10. 2) Table: the name of the table to be created
  11. 3) Status: the creation status of the table, `success`/`fail`.
  12. 4) CreateTime: the time to perform the task of creating the table
  13. 5) Error Msg: Error message of the failed table creation, or empty if it succeeds.


  1. 1. Show all the table creation tasks in the default Iceberg db
  3. mysql> show table creation;
  4. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  5. | Database | Table | Status | Create Time | Error Msg |
  6. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  7. | default_cluster:iceberg_db | logs_1 | success | 2022-01-24 19:42:45 | |
  8. | default_cluster:iceberg_db | logs | fail | 2022-01-24 19:42:45 | Cannot convert Iceberg type[list<string>] to Doris type. |
  9. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  10. 2. Show the table creation tasks in the specified Iceberg db
  11. SHOW TABLE CREATION FROM example_db;
  12. mysql> show table creation from iceberg_db;
  13. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  14. | Database | Table | Status | Create Time | Error Msg |
  15. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  16. | default_cluster:iceberg_db | logs_1 | success | 2022-01-24 19:42:45 | |
  17. | default_cluster:iceberg_db | logs | fail | 2022-01-24 19:42:45 | Cannot convert Iceberg type[list<string>] to Doris type. |
  18. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  19. 3. Show table creation tasks for the specified Iceberg db with the string "log" in the table name
  20. SHOW TABLE CREATION FROM example_db LIKE '%log%';
  21. mysql> show table creation from iceberg_db like "%1";
  22. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+-----------+
  23. | Database | Table | Status | Create Time | Error Msg |
  24. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+-----------+
  25. | default_cluster:iceberg_db | logs_1 | success | 2022-01-24 19:42:45 | |
  26. +----------------------------+--------+---------+---------------------+-----------+
