Table Schema Action


GET /api/<db>/<table>/_schema


Used to obtain the table structure information of the specified table. This interface is currently used in Spark/Flink Doris Connector. obtains Doris table structure information.

Path parameters

  • <db>

    Specify database

  • <table>

    Specify table

Query parameters


Request body



  • The http interface returns as follows:
  1. {
  2. "msg": "success",
  3. "code": 0,
  4. "data": {
  5. "properties": [{
  6. "type": "INT",
  7. "name": "k1",
  8. "comment": "",
  9. "aggregation_type":""
  10. }, {
  11. "type": "INT",
  12. "name": "k2",
  13. "comment": "",
  14. "aggregation_type":"MAX"
  15. }],
  16. "keysType":UNIQUE_KEYS,
  17. "status": 200
  18. },
  19. "count": 0
  20. }
  • The http v2 interface returns as follows:
  1. {
  2. "msg": "success",
  3. "code": 0,
  4. "data": {
  5. "properties": [{
  6. "type": "INT",
  7. "name": "k1",
  8. "comment": ""
  9. }, {
  10. "type": "INT",
  11. "name": "k2",
  12. "comment": ""
  13. }],
  14. "keysType":UNIQUE_KEYS,
  15. "status": 200
  16. },
  17. "count": 0
  18. }

Note: The difference is that the http method returns more aggregation_type fields than the http v2 method. The http v2 is enabled by setting enable_http_server_v2. For detailed parameter descriptions, see fe parameter settingsTable Schema Action - 图1 (opens new window)


  1. Get the table structure information of the specified table via http interface.

    1. GET /api/db1/tbl1/_schema
    2. Response:
    3. {
    4. "msg": "success",
    5. "code": 0,
    6. "data": {
    7. "properties": [{
    8. "type": "INT",
    9. "name": "k1",
    10. "comment": "",
    11. "aggregation_type":""
    12. }, {
    13. "type": "INT",
    14. "name": "k2",
    15. "comment": "",
    16. "aggregation_type":"MAX"
    17. }],
    18. "keysType":UNIQUE_KEYS,
    19. "status": 200
    20. },
    21. "count": 0
    22. }
  2. Get the table structure information of the specified table via http v2 interface.

    1. GET /api/db1/tbl1/_schema
    2. Response:
    3. {
    4. "msg": "success",
    5. "code": 0,
    6. "data": {
    7. "properties": [{
    8. "type": "INT",
    9. "name": "k1",
    10. "comment": ""
    11. }, {
    12. "type": "INT",
    13. "name": "k2",
    14. "comment": ""
    15. }],
    16. "keysType":UNIQUE_KEYS,
    17. "status": 200
    18. },
    19. "count": 0
    20. }