Doris Docker quick build development environment

Environment preparation

  • Install Docker
  • VSCode
    • Remote plugin

Build image

create dockerfile

VSCode replace all by using Ctrl-d

  • <!!! your user !!!>
  • <!!! your user password !!!>
  • <!!! root password !!!>
  • <!!! your git email !!!>
  • <!!! your git username !!!>
  1. FROM apache/incubator-doris:build-env-latest
  2. USER root
  3. WORKDIR /root
  4. RUN echo '<!!! root password !!!>' | passwd root --stdin
  5. RUN yum install -y vim net-tools man wget git mysql lsof bash-completion \
  6. && cp /var/local/thirdparty/installed/bin/thrift /usr/bin
  7. # safer usage, create new user instead of using root
  8. RUN yum install -y sudo \
  9. && useradd -ms /bin/bash <!!! your user !!!> && echo <!!! your user password !!!> | passwd <!!! your user !!!> --stdin \
  10. && usermod -a -G wheel <!!! your user !!!>
  11. USER <!!! your user !!!>
  12. WORKDIR /home/<!!! your user !!!>
  13. RUN git config --global color.ui true \
  14. && git config --global "<!!! your git email !!!>" \
  15. && git config --global "<!!! your git username !!!>"
  16. # install zsh and oh my zsh, easier to use on, you can remove it if you don't need it
  17. USER root
  18. RUN yum install -y zsh \
  19. && chsh -s /bin/zsh <!!! your user !!!>
  20. USER <!!! your user !!!>
  21. RUN wget -O - | zsh \
  22. && git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions \
  23. && git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

run build command

  1. docker build -t doris .

run image

note! problems with mountingDoris Docker quick build development environment - 图4 (opens new window)

See the link above: It is recommended to run the image by mounting the local Doris source code directory as a volume …..

if you are developing on windows, mounting may cause cross-filesystem access problems, please consider setting it manually

  1. docker run -it doris:latest /bin/bash

if you installed zsh, replace plugins in ~/.zshrc after running the container

  1. plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)

create directory and download doris

  1. su <your user>
  2. mkdir code && cd code
  3. git clone



use the following command first time compiling

  1. sh --clean --be --fe --ui

it is because build-env-for-0.15.0 version image upgraded thrift(0.9 -> 0.13), so you need to use —clean command to force use new version of thrift to generate code files, otherwise it will cause incompatibilities.

compile Doris

  1. sh


manually create meta_dir metadata storage location, default value is ${DORIS_HOME}/doris-meta

  1. mkdir meta_dir

launch FE

  1. cd output/fe
  2. sh bin/ --daemon

launch BE

  1. cd output/be
  2. sh bin/ --daemon

mysql-client connect

  1. mysql -h -P 9030 -u root