
📄️ PSUBSCRIBELearn how to use Redis PSUBSCRIBE to receive messages from channels matching certain patterns, ideal for flexible message handling.

📄️ PUBLISHLearn how to use Redis PUBLISH to distribute data to all subscribers of a specific channel in your messaging system.

📄️ PUBSUB CHANNELSLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB CHANNELS to get the list of active channels in a Pub/Sub system, seamless for data monitoring.

📄️ PUBSUB HELPLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB HELP to get guidance on usage details of the PUBSUB command in your Redis messaging setup.

📄️ PUBSUB NUMPATLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB NUMPAT to get the count of active pattern subscriptions across your Redis Pub/Sub system.

📄️ PUBSUB NUMSUBLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB NUMSUB to get a count of subscriptions for specific channels in your Pub/Sub system.

📄️ PUBSUB SHARDCHANNELSLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB SHARDCHANNELS for a list of active channels across your shard network.

📄️ PUBSUB SHARDNUMSUBLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB SHARDNUMSUB for a list of specific channel subscriptions for shard Pub/Sub networks.

📄️ PUBSUBLearn how to use Redis PUBSUB to inspect the state of the Pub/Sub subsystem, perfect for monitoring your messaging infrastructure.

📄️ PUNSUBSCRIBELearn using Redis PUNSUBSCRIBE to unsubscribe from specific patterns of channels, ideal for dynamic message filtering.

📄️ SUBSCRIBELearn how to use Redis SUBSCRIBE to listen for new messages published on specified channels, ideal for event-driven programming paradigms.

📄️ UNSUBSCRIBELearn how to use Redis UNSUBSCRIBE to stop receiving messages published on specific channels in your Pub/Sub setup.

📄️ XADDLearn how to use Redis XADD to append a new entry to a stream.

📄️ XDELLearn how to use Redis XDEL to delete a message from a stream.

📄️ XLENLearn how to use Redis XLEN to get the length of a stream.

📄️ XRANGELearn how to use Redis XRANGE to retrieve a range of messages from a stream.

📄️ XREVRANGELearn how to use Redis XREVRANGE to fetch a range of messages from a stream in reverse order.

📄️ XSETIDLearn how to use Redis XSETID to set the last delivered ID for streams.