Ethereum Addresses

Ethereum addresses are unique identifiers that are derived from public keys or contracts using the Keccak-256 one-way hash function.

In our previous examples, we started with a private key and used elliptic curve multiplication to derive a public key:

Private key k:

  1. k = f8f8a2f43c8376ccb0871305060d7b27b0554d2cc72bccf41b2705608452f315

Public key K (x and y coordinates concatenated and shown as hex):

  1. K = 6e145ccef1033dea239875dd00dfb4fee6e3348b84985c92f103444683bae07b83b5c38e5e...

It is worth noting that the public key is not formatted with the prefix (hex) 04 when the address is calculated.

We use Keccak-256 to calculate the hash of this public key:

  1. Keccak256(K) = 2a5bc342ed616b5ba5732269001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9

Then we keep only the last 20 bytes (least significant bytes), which is our Ethereum address:

  1. 001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9

Most often you will see Ethereum addresses with the prefix 0x that indicates they are hexadecimal-encoded, like this:

  1. 0x001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9

Ethereum Address Formats

Ethereum addresses are hexadecimal numbers, identifiers derived from the last 20 bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the public key.

Unlike Bitcoin addresses, which are encoded in the user interface of all clients to include a built-in checksum to protect against mistyped addresses, Ethereum addresses are presented as raw hexadecimal without any checksum.

The rationale behind that decision was that Ethereum addresses would eventually be hidden behind abstractions (such as name services) at higher layers of the system and that checksums should be added at higher layers if necessary.

In reality, these higher layers were developed too slowly and this design choice led to a number of problems in the early days of the ecosystem, including the loss of funds due to mistyped addresses and input validation errors. Furthermore, because Ethereum name services were developed slower than initially expected, alternative encodings were adopted very slowly by wallet developers. We’ll look at a few of the encoding options next.

Inter Exchange Client Address Protocol

The Inter exchange Client Address Protocol (ICAP) is an Ethereum address encoding that is partly compatible with the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) encoding, offering a versatile, checksummed, and interoperable encoding for Ethereum addresses. ICAP addresses can encode Ethereum addresses or common names registered with an Ethereum name registry. You can read more about ICAP on the Ethereum Wiki.

IBAN is an international standard for identifying bank account numbers, mostly used for wire transfers. It is broadly adopted in the European Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and beyond. IBAN is a centralized and heavily regulated service. ICAP is a decentralized but compatible implementation for Ethereum addresses.

An IBAN consists of a string of up to 34 alphanumeric characters (case-insensitive) comprising a country code, checksum, and bank account identifier (which is country-specific).

ICAP uses the same structure by introducing a nonstandard country code, “XE,” that stands for “Ethereum,” followed by a two-character checksum and three possible variations of an account identifier:


A big-endian base-36 integer comprised of up to 30 alphanumeric characters, representing the 155 least significant bits of an Ethereum address. Because this encoding fits less than the full 160 bits of a general Ethereum address, it only works for Ethereum addresses that start with one or more zero bytes. The advantage is that it is compatible with IBAN, in terms of the field length and checksum. Example: XE60HAMICDXSV5QXVJA7TJW47Q9CHWKJD (33 characters long).


Same as the Direct encoding, except that it is 31 characters long. This allows it to encode any Ethereum address, but makes it incompatible with IBAN field validation. Example: XE18CHDJBPLTBCJ03FE9O2NS0BPOJVQCU2P (35 characters long).


Encodes an identifier that resolves to an Ethereum address through a name registry provider. It uses 16 alphanumeric characters, comprising an asset identifier (e.g., ETH), a name service (e.g., XREG), and a 9-character human-readable name (e.g., KITTYCATS). Example: XE##ETHXREGKITTYCATS (20 characters long), where the ## should be replaced by the two computed checksum characters.

We can use the helpeth command-line tool to create ICAP addresses. You can get helpeth by installing it with:

  1. $ npm install -g helpeth

If you don’t have npm, you may have to install nodeJS first, which you can do by following the instructions at

Now that we have helpeth, let’s try creating an ICAP address with our example private key (prefixed with 0x and passed as a parameter to helpeth).

  1. $ helpeth keyDetails \
  2. -p 0xf8f8a2f43c8376ccb0871305060d7b27b0554d2cc72bccf41b2705608452f315
  3. Address: 0x001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9
  5. Public key: 0x6e145ccef1033dea239875dd00dfb4fee6e3348b84985c92f103444683bae07b...

The helpeth command constructs a hexadecimal Ethereum address as well as an ICAP address for us. The ICAP address for our example key is:


Because our example Ethereum address happens to start with a zero byte, it can be encoded using the Direct ICAP encoding method that is valid in IBAN format. You can tell because it is 33 characters long.

If our address did not start with a zero, it would be encoded with the Basic encoding, which would be 35 characters long and invalid as an IBAN.


The chances of any Ethereum address starting with a zero byte are 1 in 256. To generate one like that, it will take on average 256 attempts with 256 different random private keys before we find one that works as an IBAN-compatible “Direct” encoded ICAP address.

At this time, ICAP is unfortunately only supported by a few wallets.

Hex Encoding with Checksum in Capitalization (EIP-55)

Due to the slow deployment of ICAP and name services, a standard was proposed by Ethereum Improvement Proposal 55 (EIP-55). EIP-55 offers a backward-compatible checksum for Ethereum addresses by modifying the capitalization of the hexadecimal address. The idea is that Ethereum addresses are case-insensitive and all wallets are supposed to accept Ethereum addresses expressed in capital or lowercase characters, without any difference in interpretation.

By modifying the capitalization of the alphabetic characters in the address, we can convey a checksum that can be used to protect the integrity of the address against typing or reading mistakes. Wallets that do not support EIP-55 checksums simply ignore the fact that the address contains mixed capitalization, but those that do support it can validate it and detect errors with a 99.986% accuracy.

The mixed-capitals encoding is subtle and you may not notice it at first. Our example address is:

  1. 0x001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9

With an EIP-55 mixed-capitalization checksum it becomes:

  1. 0x001d3F1ef827552Ae1114027BD3ECF1f086bA0F9

Can you tell the difference? Some of the alphabetic (A–F) characters from the hexadecimal encoding alphabet are now capital, while others are lowercase.

EIP-55 is quite simple to implement. We take the Keccak-256 hash of the lowercase hexadecimal address. This hash acts as a digital fingerprint of the address, giving us a convenient checksum. Any small change in the input (the address) should cause a big change in the resulting hash (the checksum), allowing us to detect errors effectively. The hash of our address is then encoded in the capitalization of the address itself. Let’s break it down, step by step:

  1. Hash the lowercase address, without the 0x prefix:
  1. Keccak256("001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9") =
  2. 23a69c1653e4ebbb619b0b2cb8a9bad49892a8b9695d9a19d8f673ca991deae1
  1. Capitalize each alphabetic address character if the corresponding hex digit of the hash is greater than or equal to 0x8. This is easier to show if we line up the address and the hash:
  1. Address: 001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9
  2. Hash : 23a69c1653e4ebbb619b0b2cb8a9bad49892a8b9...

Our address contains an alphabetic character d in the fourth position. The fourth character of the hash is 6, which is less than 8. So, we leave the d lowercase. The next alphabetic character in our address is f, in the sixth position. The sixth character of the hexadecimal hash is c, which is greater than 8. Therefore, we capitalize the F in the address, and so on. As you can see, we only use the first 20 bytes (40 hex characters) of the hash as a checksum, since we only have 20 bytes (40 hex characters) in the address to capitalize appropriately.

Check the resulting mixed-capitals address yourself and see if you can tell which characters were capitalized and which characters they correspond to in the address hash:

  1. Address: 001d3F1ef827552Ae1114027BD3ECF1f086bA0F9
  2. Hash : 23a69c1653e4ebbb619b0b2cb8a9bad49892a8b9...
Detecting an error in an EIP-55 encoded address

Now, let’s look at how EIP-55 addresses will help us find an error. Let’s assume we have printed out an Ethereum address, which is EIP-55 encoded:

  1. 0x001d3F1ef827552Ae1114027BD3ECF1f086bA0F9

Now let’s make a basic mistake in reading that address. The character before the last one is a capital F. For this example let’s assume we misread that as a capital E, and we type the following (incorrect) address into our wallet:

  1. 0x001d3F1ef827552Ae1114027BD3ECF1f086bA0E9

Fortunately, our wallet is EIP-55 compliant! It notices the mixed capitalization and attempts to validate the address. It converts it to lowercase, and calculates the checksum hash:

  1. Keccak256("001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0e9") =
  2. 5429b5d9460122fb4b11af9cb88b7bb76d8928862e0a57d46dd18dd8e08a6927

As you can see, even though the address has only changed by one character (in fact, only one bit, as e and f are one bit apart), the hash of the address has changed radically. That’s the property of hash functions that makes them so useful for checksums!

Now, let’s line up the two and check the capitalization:

  1. 001d3F1ef827552Ae1114027BD3ECF1f086bA0E9
  2. 5429b5d9460122fb4b11af9cb88b7bb76d892886...

It’s all wrong! Several of the alphabetic characters are incorrectly capitalized. Remember that the capitalization is the encoding of the correct checksum.

The capitalization of the address we input doesn’t match the checksum just calculated, meaning something has changed in the address, and an error has been introduced.