4.2.3. Existential Predicates

This group of predicates includes those that use subqueries to submit values for all kinds of assertions in search conditions. Existential predicates are so called because they use various methods to test for the existence or non-existence of some assertion, returning TRUE if the existence or non-existence is confirmed or FALSE otherwise.





  1. [NOT] EXISTS (<select_stmt>)

The EXISTS predicate uses a subquery expression as its argument. It returns TRUE if the subquery result would contain at least one row; otherwise it returns FALSE.

NOT EXISTS returns FALSE if the subquery result would contain at least one row; it returns TRUE otherwise.

The subquery can specify multiple columns, or SELECT *, because the evaluation is made on the number of rows that match its criteria, not on the data.


  1. Find those employees who have projects.

    1. SELECT *
    2. FROM employee
    4. FROM employee_project ep
    5. WHERE ep.emp_no = employee.emp_no)
  2. Find those employees who have no projects.

    1. SELECT *
    2. FROM employee
    4. FROM employee_project ep
    5. WHERE ep.emp_no = employee.emp_no)





  1. <value> [NOT] IN (<select_stmt> | <value_list>)
  2. <value_list> ::= <value_1> [, <value_2> …]

The IN predicate tests whether the value of the expression on the left side is present in the set of values specified on the right side. The set of values cannot have more than 1500 items. The IN predicate can be replaced with the following equivalent forms:

  1. (<value> = <value_1> [OR <value> = <value_2> …])
  2. <value> = { ANY | SOME } (<select_stmt>)

When the IN predicate is used in the search conditions of DML queries, the Firebird optimizer can use an index on the searched column, if a suitable one exists.

In its second form, the IN predicate tests whether the value of the expression on the left side is present — or not present, if NOT IN is used — in the result of the executed subquery on the right side.

The subquery must be specified to result in only one column, otherwise the error “count of column list and variable list do not match” will occur.

Queries specified using the IN predicate with a subquery can be replaced with a similar query using the EXISTS predicate. For instance, the following query:

  2. model, speed, hd
  3. FROM PC
  4. WHERE
  5. model IN (SELECT model
  6. FROM product
  7. WHERE maker = 'A');

can be replaced with a similar one using the EXISTS predicate:

  2. model, speed, hd
  3. FROM PC
  4. WHERE
  6. FROM product
  7. WHERE maker = 'A'
  8. AND product.model = PC.model);

However, a query using NOT IN with a subquery does not always give the same result as its NOT EXISTS counterpart. The reason is that EXISTS always returns TRUE or FALSE, whereas IN returns NULL in one of these two cases:

  1. when the test value is NULL and the IN () list is not empty

  2. when the test value has no match in the IN () list and at least one list element is NULL

It is in only these two cases that IN () will return NULL while the corresponding EXISTS predicate will return FALSE (‘no matching row found’). In a search or, for example, an IF (…​) statement, both results mean “failure” and it makes no difference to the outcome.

But, for the same data, NOT IN () will return NULL, while NOT EXISTS will return TRUE, leading to opposite results.

As an example, suppose you have the following query:

  1. -- Looking for people who were not born
  2. -- on the same day as any famous New York citizen
  3. SELECT P1.name AS NAME
  4. FROM Personnel P1
  5. WHERE P1.birthday NOT IN (SELECT C1.birthday
  6. FROM Celebrities C1
  7. WHERE C1.birthcity = 'New York');

Now, assume that the NY celebrities list is not empty and contains at least one NULL birthday. Then for every citizen who does not share his birthday with a NY celebrity, NOT IN will return NULL, because that is what IN does. The search condition is thereby not satisfied and the citizen will be left out of the SELECT result, which is wrong.

For citizens whose birthday does match with a celebrity’s birthday, NOT IN will correctly return FALSE, so they will be left out too, and no rows will be returned.

If the NOT EXISTS form is used:

  1. -- Looking for people who were not born
  2. -- on the same day as any famous New York citizen
  3. SELECT P1.name AS NAME
  4. FROM Personnel P1
  6. FROM Celebrities C1
  7. WHERE C1.birthcity = 'New York'
  8. AND C1.birthday = P1.birthday);

non-matches will have a NOT EXISTS result of TRUE and their records will be in the result set.


If there is any chance of NULLs being encountered when searching for a non-match, you will want to use NOT EXISTS.

Examples of use

  1. Find employees with the names “Pete”, “Ann” and “Roger”:

    1. SELECT *
    3. WHERE FIRST_NAME IN ('Pete', 'Ann', 'Roger');
  2. Find all computers that have models whose manufacturer starts with the letter “A”:

    1. SELECT
    2. model, speed, hd
    3. FROM PC
    4. WHERE
    5. model IN (SELECT model
    6. FROM product
    7. WHERE maker STARTING WITH 'A');

See also






  1. [NOT] SINGULAR (<select_stmt>)

The SINGULAR predicate takes a subquery as its argument and evaluates it as TRUE if the subquery returns exactly one result row; otherwise the predicate is evaluated as FALSE. The subquery may list several output columns since the rows are not returned anyway. They are only tested for (singular) existence. For brevity, people usually specify ‘SELECT *’. The SINGULAR predicate can return only two values: TRUE or FALSE.


Find those employees who have only one project.

  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM employee
  4. FROM employee_project ep
  5. WHERE ep.emp_no = employee.emp_no)