
An always up-to-date list of options may be found at options.ts

Config OptionTypeDefaultDescription
altFormatString"F j, Y"Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field
altInputBooleanfalseShow the user a readable date (as per altFormat), but return something totally different to the server.
altInputClassString""This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option. Note that altInput already inherits classes from the original input.
allowInputBooleanfalseAllows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled.
appendToHTMLElementnullInstead of body, appends the calendar to the specified node instead.
ariaDateFormatString"F j, Y"Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat. If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud.
clickOpensBooleantrueWhether clicking on the input should open the picker. You could disable this if you wish to open the calendar manually with.open()
dateFormatString"Y-m-d"A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box. The supported characters are defined in the table below.
defaultDateStringnullSets the initial selected date(s).If you're using mode: "multiple" or a range calendar supply an Array of Date objects or an Array of date strings which follow your dateFormat.Otherwise, you can supply a single Date object or a date string.
defaultHourNumber12Initial value of the hour element.
defaultMinuteNumber0Initial value of the minute element.
disableArray[] See Disabling dates
disableMobileBooleanfalseSet disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker. By default, flatpickr utilizes native datetime widgets unless certain options (e.g. disable) are used.
enableArray[] See Enabling dates
enableTimeBooleanfalseEnables time picker
enableSecondsBooleanfalseEnables seconds in the time picker.
formatDateFunctionnullAllows using a custom date formatting function instead of the built-in handling for date formats using dateFormat, altFormat, etc.
hourIncrementInteger1Adjusts the step for the hour input (incl. scrolling)
inlineBooleanfalseDisplays the calendar inline
maxDateString/DatenullThe maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive).
minDateString/DatenullThe minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minuteIncrementInteger5Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling)
modeString"single""single", "multiple", or "range"
nextArrowString>HTML for the arrow icon, used to switch months.
noCalendarBooleanfalseHides the day selection in calendar. Use it along with enableTime to create a time picker.
onChangeFunction, [functions]null Function(s) to trigger on every date selection. See Events API
onCloseFunction, [functions]null Function(s) to trigger on every time the calendar is closed. See Events API
onOpenFunction, [functions]null Function(s) to trigger on every time the calendar is opened. See Events API
onReadyFunction, [functions]null Function to trigger when the calendar is ready. See Events API
parseDateFunctionfalseFunction that expects a date string and must return a Date object
positionString"auto" Where the calendar is rendered relative to the input."auto", "above" or "below"
prevArrowString<HTML for the left arrow icon.
shorthandCurrentMonthBooleanfalseShow the month using the shorthand version (ie, Sep instead of September).
staticBooleanfalsePosition the calendar inside the wrapper and next to the input element.
time_24hrbooleanfalseDisplays time picker in 24 hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled.
weekNumbersBooleanfalseEnables display of week numbers in calendar.
wrapBooleanfalseCustom elements and input groups

* Attaching the calendar to a specific element makes it depend on that element’s position and style. If the calendar is not positioned as expected, check the CSS rules of the container.