
  1. $ git branch
  2. * dev
  3. master
  4. $ git checkout master
  5. Switched to branch 'master'

然后,敲命令git tag <name>就可以打一个新标签:

  1. $ git tag v1.0

可以用命令git tag查看所有标签:

  1. $ git tag
  2. v1.0


方法是找到历史提交的commit id,然后打上就可以了:

  1. $ git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
  2. 6a5819e merged bug fix 101
  3. cc17032 fix bug 101
  4. 7825a50 merge with no-ff
  5. 6224937 add merge
  6. 59bc1cb conflict fixed
  7. 400b400 & simple
  8. 75a857c AND simple
  9. fec145a branch test
  10. d17efd8 remove test.txt
  11. ...

比方说要对add merge这次提交打标签,它对应的commit id是6224937,敲入命令:

  1. $ git tag v0.9 6224937

再用命令git tag查看标签:

  1. $ git tag
  2. v0.9
  3. v1.0

注意,标签不是按时间顺序列出,而是按字母排序的。可以用git show <tagname>查看标签信息:

  1. $ git show v0.9
  2. commit 622493706ab447b6bb37e4e2a2f276a20fed2ab4
  3. Author: Michael Liao <askxuefeng@gmail.com>
  4. Date: Thu Aug 22 11:22:08 2013 +0800
  5. add merge
  6. ...

可以看到,v0.9确实打在add merge这次提交上。


  1. $ git tag -a v0.1 -m "version 0.1 released" 3628164

用命令git show <tagname>可以看到说明文字:

  1. $ git show v0.1
  2. tag v0.1
  3. Tagger: Michael Liao <askxuefeng@gmail.com>
  4. Date: Mon Aug 26 07:28:11 2013 +0800
  5. version 0.1 released
  6. commit 3628164fb26d48395383f8f31179f24e0882e1e0
  7. Author: Michael Liao <askxuefeng@gmail.com>
  8. Date: Tue Aug 20 15:11:49 2013 +0800
  9. append GPL


  1. $ git tag -s v0.2 -m "signed version 0.2 released" fec145a


  1. gpg: signing failed: secret key not available
  2. error: gpg failed to sign the data
  3. error: unable to sign the tag


用命令git show <tagname>可以看到PGP签名信息:

  1. $ git show v0.2
  2. tag v0.2
  3. Tagger: Michael Liao <askxuefeng@gmail.com>
  4. Date: Mon Aug 26 07:28:33 2013 +0800
  5. signed version 0.2 released
  6. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
  7. Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Darwin)
  9. -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  10. commit fec145accd63cdc9ed95a2f557ea0658a2a6537f
  11. Author: Michael Liao <askxuefeng@gmail.com>
  12. Date: Thu Aug 22 10:37:30 2013 +0800
  13. branch test


