Merging Back to Master


  • We’ve kept our greet branch up to date with master (via rebase), now let’s merge the greet changes back into the master branch.

Merge greet into master


  1. git checkout master
  2. git merge greet


  1. $ git checkout master
  2. Switched to branch 'master'
  3. $
  4. $ git merge greet
  5. Updating 8d90176..e0cc19e
  6. Fast-forward
  7. Rakefile | 2 +-
  8. lib/greeter.rb | 8 ++++++++
  9. lib/hello.rb | 6 ++++--
  10. 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
  11. create mode 100644 lib/greeter.rb

Because the head of master is a direct ancestor of the head of the greet branch, git is able to do a fast-forward merge. When fast-forwarding, the branch pointer is simply moved forward to point to the same commit as the greeter branch.

There will never be conflicts in a fast-forward merge.

Review the logs


  1. git hist


  1. $ git hist
  2. * e0cc19e 2020-06-20 | Updated Rakefile (HEAD -> master, greet) [Jim Weirich]
  3. * 046088a 2020-06-20 | Hello uses Greeter [Jim Weirich]
  4. * 3db0ffe 2020-06-20 | Added greeter class [Jim Weirich]
  5. * 8d90176 2020-06-20 | Added README [Jim Weirich]
  6. * 5aec14d 2020-06-20 | Added a Rakefile. [Jim Weirich]
  7. * 721b979 2020-06-20 | Moved hello.rb to lib [Jim Weirich]
  8. * 907a445 2020-06-20 | Add an author/email comment [Jim Weirich]
  9. * 4254c94 2020-06-20 | Added a comment (tag: v1) [Jim Weirich]
  10. * c8b3af1 2020-06-20 | Added a default value (tag: v1-beta) [Jim Weirich]
  11. * 30c2cd4 2020-06-20 | Using ARGV [Jim Weirich]
  12. * 4445720 2020-06-20 | First Commit [Jim Weirich]

The greet and master branches are now identical.