
[!TIP] This document is machine-translated by Google. If you find grammatical and semantic errors, and the document description is not clear, please PR

goctl is a code generation tool under the go-zero microservice framework. Using goctl can significantly improve development efficiency and allow developers to focus their time on business development. Its functions include:

  • api service generation
  • rpc service generation
  • model code generation
  • template management

This section will contain the following:


Many people will pronounce goctl as go-C-T-L. This is a wrong way of thinking. You should refer to go control and pronounce ɡō kənˈtrōl.

View version information

  1. $ goctl -v

If goctl is installed, it will output text information in the following format:

  1. goctl version ${version} ${os}/${arch}

For example output:

  1. goctl version 1.1.5 darwin/amd64

Version number description

  • version: goctl version number
  • os: Current operating system name
  • arch: Current system architecture name

Install goctl

The way one(go get)

  1. $ GO111MODULE=on GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn/,direct go get -u github.com/tal-tech/go-zero/tools/goctl

Use this command to install the goctl tool into the GOPATHbin directory

The way two (fork and build)

Pull a source code from the go-zero code repository git@github.com:tal-techgo-zero.git, enter the toolsgoctl directory to compile the goctl file, and then add it to the environment variable.

After the installation is complete, execute goctl -v. If the version information is output, the installation is successful, for example:

  1. $ goctl -v
  2. goctl version 1.1.4 darwin/amd64


  1. command not found: goctl

Please make sure that goctl has been installed, or whether goctl has been correctly added to the environment variables of the current shell.