When your Conveys have some set-up involved, you may need to tear down after or between tests. Use Reset() to clean up in those cases. A Convey's Reset() runs at the end of each Convey() within that same scope.

    For example:

    1. Convey("Top-level", t, func() {
    3. // setup (run before each `Convey` at this scope):
    4. db.Open()
    5. db.Initialize()
    7. Convey("Test a query", func() {
    8. db.Query()
    9. // TODO: assertions here
    10. })
    12. Convey("Test inserts", func() {
    13. db.Insert()
    14. // TODO: assertions here
    15. })
    17. Reset(func() {
    18. // This reset is run after each `Convey` at the same scope.
    19. db.Close()
    20. })
    22. })