update 命令

帮助信息:gopm update -hgopm help update

  1. NAME:
  2. update - check and update gopm resources including itself
  3. USAGE:
  4. command update [command options] [arguments...]
  6. Command update checks updates of resources and gopm itself.
  7. gopm update
  8. Resources will be updated automatically after executed this command,
  9. but you have to confirm before updaing gopm itself.
  10. OPTIONS:
  11. --verbose, -v show process details

gopm update

  • 功能:检查更新最新的 gopm 资源,包括 gopm 自身。
  • 说明:检查资源的版本并下载最新版本。
  • 示例:gopm update


  • —verbose, -v:显示详细信息。