
The pg_trigger system catalog table stores triggers on tables.

Note: HAWQ does not support triggers.

Table 1. pg_catalog.pg_trigger


Note that HAWQ does not enforce referential integrity.

The table this trigger is on.
tgnamename Trigger name (must be unique among triggers of same table).

Note that HAWQ does not enforce referential integrity.

The function to be called.
tgtypesmallint Bit mask identifying trigger conditions.
tgenabledboolean True if trigger is enabled.
tgisconstraintboolean True if trigger implements a referential integrity constraint.
tgconstrnamename Referential integrity constraint name.

Note that HAWQ does not enforce referential integrity.

The table referenced by an referential integrity constraint.
tgdeferrableboolean True if deferrable.
tginitdeferredboolean True if initially deferred.
tgnargssmallint Number of argument strings passed to trigger function.
tgattrint2vector Currently not used.
tgargsbytea Argument strings to pass to trigger, each NULL-terminated.