Range 区段选择器

如果项目中使用的是 0.x 版本的基础组件(@icedesign/base, @ali/ice, @alife/next),请在左侧导航顶部切换组件版本。


  1. 在命令行中执行以下命令npm install @alifd/next@latest -S






  • onChange是和value进行配置做受控处理的。onChange在滑动过程中不会触发,滑动停止后会触发。

  • onProcess不建议内部做setState 进行受控,因为会频繁触发,整个滑动过程中会一直触发。



step步长,取值必须大于 0,并且可被 (max - min) 整除。Number1
value设置当前取值。当 slidersingle 时,使用 Number,否则用 [Number, Number]Number/Array<Number>-
defaultValue设置初始取值。当 slidersingle 时,使用 Number,否则用 [Number, Number]Number/Array<Number>-
marks刻度数值显示逻辑(false 代表不显示,array 枚举显示的值,number 代表按 number 平分,object 表示按 key 划分,value 值显示)Boolean/Number/Array<Number>/Objectfalse
marksPositionmarks显示在上方('above')or下方('below')可选值:'above', 'below'Enum'above'
disabled值为 true 时,滑块为禁用状态Booleanfalse
onChange当 Range 的值发生改变后,会触发 onChange 事件,并把改变后的值作为参数传入, 如果设置了value, 要配合此函数做受控使用签名:Function(value: String/number) => void参数:value: {String/number} nullFunctionfunc.noop
onProcess滑块拖动的时候触发的事件,不建议在这里setState, 一般情况下不需要用, 滑动时有特殊需求时使用签名:Function(value: String/number) => void参数:value: {String/number} nullFunctionfunc.noop
hasTip是否显示 tipBooleantrue
tipRender自定义 tip 显示内容签名:Function(value: Number/String) => ReactNode参数:value: {Number/String} 值返回值:{ReactNode} 显示内容Functionvalue => value
pure是否pure renderBooleanfalse
fixedWidth是否为拖动线段类型,默认slider为double, defaultValue必传且指定区间Booleanfalse

ARIA and KeyBoard

Right Arrow控制滑块往右移动
Left Arrow控制滑块向左移动



基本滑块,当 sliderdouble 时,渲染为双滑块。当 disabledtrue 时,滑块处于不可用状态。

Range 区段选择器 - 图1


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const style = {
  3. marginBottom: '15px'
  4. };
  5. ReactDOM.render(<div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  6. <h4>single slider - from left to right</h4>
  7. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} hasTip={false} />
  8. <h4>single slider - from right to left</h4>
  9. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} reverse hasTip={false} />
  10. <h4>double slider - from outside to inside</h4>
  11. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} style={style} />
  12. <h4>double slider - from inside to outside</h4>
  13. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} style={style} reverse />
  14. <h4>Disabled</h4>
  15. <Range defaultValue={30} disabled style={style} />
  16. <h4>Disabled</h4>
  17. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} disabled style={style} />
  18. <h4>tooltipVisible disabled</h4>
  19. <Range disabled tooltipVisible defaultValue={60} style={style} />
  20. <h4>tooltipVisible</h4>
  21. <Range tooltipVisible defaultValue={60} style={style} />
  22. <h4>tooltipVisible disabled</h4>
  23. <Range disabled tooltipVisible slider={'double'} defaultValue={[57, 77]} style={style} />
  24. <h4>tooltipVisible</h4>
  25. <Range tooltipVisible slider={'double'} defaultValue={[57, 77]} style={style} />
  26. </div>, mountNode);


默认双滑块(sliderdouble),且指定 defaultValue为区间值下可用。范围不可被改变,拖动所选区域改变始末滑块位置。

Range 区段选择器 - 图2


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const style = {
  3. marginBottom: '15px'
  4. };
  5. const styleX3 = {
  6. marginBottom: '45px'
  7. };
  8. class App extends React.Component {
  9. constructor(props) {
  10. super(props);
  11. this.state = {
  12. value: [10, 300]
  13. };
  14. }
  15. //Controlled. onChange will be triggered when startValue isn't equal to endValue after sliding
  16. onChange(value) {
  17. console.log('onChange value:', value);
  18. this.setState({value});
  19. }
  20. // This callback will be triggered when startValue and endValue aren't equal after mousedown/mousemove. You shouldn't call setState here.
  21. onProcess(value) {
  22. // this.setState({value});
  23. console.log('onProcess: ', value);
  24. }
  25. render() {
  26. return (
  27. <div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  28. <h4>fixedWidth basic</h4>
  29. <Range fixedWidth defaultValue={[20, 40]} style={style} />
  30. <h4>fixedWidth basic with tooltipVisible</h4>
  31. <Range tooltipVisible fixedWidth defaultValue={[70, 90]} style={styleX3} />
  32. <Range disabled tooltipVisible fixedWidth defaultValue={[70, 90]} style={style} />
  33. <h4>fixedWidth with marks</h4>
  34. <Range fixedWidth step={10} defaultValue={[20, 40]} scales={10} marks={10} style={styleX3} />
  35. <Range fixedWidth step={2} defaultValue={[60, 80]} scales={[0, 100]} marks={[0, 30, 100]} style={style} marksPosition="below" />
  36. <h4>fixedWidth with 0.01 step</h4>
  37. <Range fixedWidth defaultValue={[0.6, 0.7]} min={0.5} max={1} step={0.01}/>
  38. <div style={{width: '400px', marginTop: '50px'}}>
  39. <p>range 0 ~ 1024</p>
  40. <Range fixedWidth value={this.state.value}
  41. onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)}
  42. onProcess={this.onProcess.bind(this)}
  43. min={0} max={1024} marks={[0, 1024]} />
  44. </div>
  45. </div>
  46. );
  47. }
  48. }
  49. ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);


通过 scalesmarks 属性设置刻度及标识。

Range 区段选择器 - 图3


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const style = {
  3. marginBottom: '20px',
  4. marginTop: '20px'
  5. };
  6. ReactDOM.render(<div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  7. <p>With minimal and maximal value</p>
  8. <Range defaultValue={0} marks={[0, 100]} style={style} />
  9. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} scales={[0, 100]} marks={[0, 100]} style={style} />
  10. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} />
  11. <p>Below</p>
  12. <Range defaultValue={0} marks={[0, 100]} style={style} marksPosition="below" />
  13. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} scales={[0, 100]} marks={[0, 100]} style={style} marksPosition="below" />
  14. <Range defaultValue={30} scales={[0, 100]} marks={[0, 100]} style={style} marksPosition="below" />
  15. <p>Equal division</p>
  16. <Range defaultValue={30} marks={5} style={style} />
  17. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} scales={10} marks={10} style={style} />
  18. <Range disabled slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} scales={10} marks={10} style={style} />
  19. <p>Free</p>
  20. <Range defaultValue={30} marks={[0, 26, 37, 100]} style={style} />
  21. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} marks={[0, 26, 37, 100]} style={style} hasTip={false}/>
  22. <Range defaultValue={30} marks={{0: '0°C', 26: '26°C', 37: '37°C', 100: '100°C'}} style={style} />
  23. </div>, mountNode);


可以通过 minmax 设置范围边界。通过 step(被 max - min 整除) 设置移动的最小步频。min默认为0,max默认为100.

Range 区段选择器 - 图4


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const style = {
  3. marginBottom: '40px',
  4. marginTop: '40px'
  5. };
  6. ReactDOM.render(
  7. <div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  8. <p>Range 0 ~ 1024</p>
  9. <Range defaultValue={128} min={0} max={1024} marks={[0, 1024]} style={style} />
  10. <p>Range 0 ~ 1024step 128</p>
  11. <Range defaultValue={512} min={0} max={1024} step={128} marks={[0, 1024]}
  12. style={style} />
  13. </div>
  14. , mountNode);



Range 区段选择器 - 图5


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. class App extends React.Component {
  3. constructor(props) {
  4. super(props);
  5. this.state = {
  6. value: 128,
  7. value2: 300,
  8. doubleValue: [200, 300]
  9. };
  10. }
  11. //Controlled. onChange will be triggered when startValue isn't equal to endValue after sliding
  12. onChange(value) {
  13. console.log('onChange value:', value);
  14. this.setState({value});
  15. }
  16. // This callback will be triggered when startValue and endValue aren't equal after mousedown/mousemove. You shouldn't call setState here.
  17. onProcess(value) {
  18. console.log('onProcess: ', value);
  19. }
  20. onChangeDouble(doubleValue) {
  21. console.log('onChange doubleValue:', doubleValue);
  22. this.setState({doubleValue});
  23. }
  24. onProcessDouble(doubleValue) {
  25. console.log('onProcess: ', doubleValue);
  26. }
  27. render() {
  28. return (
  29. <div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  30. <p>range 0 ~ 1024</p>
  31. <div style={{width: '400px', marginTop: '50px'}}>
  32. <Range value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)}
  33. onProcess={this.onProcess.bind(this)}
  34. min={0} max={1024} marks={[0, 1024]} />
  35. </div>
  36. <p>with value and without onChange</p>
  37. <div style={{width: '400px', marginTop: '50px'}}>
  38. <Range value={this.state.value2}
  39. onProcess={this.onProcess.bind(this)}
  40. min={0} max={1024} marks={[0, 1024]} />
  41. </div>
  42. <p>double slider controlled</p>
  43. <div style={{width: '400px', marginTop: '50px'}}>
  44. <Range slider="double" value={this.state.doubleValue} onChange={this.onChangeDouble.bind(this)}
  45. onProcess={this.onProcessDouble.bind(this)}
  46. min={0} max={1024} marks={[0, 1024]} />
  47. </div>
  48. </div>
  49. );
  50. }
  51. }
  52. ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);

范围与 step


Range 区段选择器 - 图6


  1. import { Range, NumberPicker, Grid, Icon } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const {Row, Col} = Grid;
  3. class Demo extends React.Component {
  4. constructor(props, context) {
  5. super(props, context);
  6. this.state = {
  7. valueInt: 3,
  8. valueDec: 0.05,
  9. valueIcon: 1,
  10. preIconClass: '',
  11. afterIconClass: ''
  12. };
  13. }
  14. onChangeInt(value) {
  15. console.log(value);
  16. this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.state, {
  17. valueInt: value
  18. }));
  19. }
  20. onChangeDec(value) {
  21. this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.state, {
  22. valueDec: value
  23. }));
  24. }
  25. onIconRangeProcess(value) {
  26. const mid = 50;
  27. this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.state, {
  28. valueIcon: value,
  29. preIconClass: value < mid ? 'myicon-highlight' : '',
  30. afterIconClass: value >= mid ? 'myicon-highlight' : ''
  31. }));
  32. }
  33. render() {
  34. return (
  35. <div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  36. <h2>Used with numberPicker</h2>
  37. <Row>
  38. <Col span="12" style={{marginTop: '10px'}}>
  39. <Range value={this.state.valueInt} min={0} max={20} step={1}
  40. onChange={this.onChangeInt.bind(this)} />
  41. </Col>
  42. <Col span="12">
  43. <NumberPicker value={this.state.valueInt} min={0} max={1024} step={1}
  44. onChange={this.onChangeInt.bind(this)} />
  45. </Col>
  46. </Row>
  47. <br />
  48. <Row>
  49. <Col span="12" style={{marginTop: '10px'}}>
  50. <Range value={this.state.valueDec} min={0} max={1} step={0.01}
  51. onChange={this.onChangeDec.bind(this)} />
  52. </Col>
  53. <Col span="12">
  54. <NumberPicker value={this.state.valueDec} min={0} max={1} step={0.01}
  55. onChange={this.onChangeDec.bind(this)} />
  56. </Col>
  57. </Row>
  58. <h2>Used with Icon</h2>
  59. <div className="iconWrapper">
  60. <Icon className={`myicon ${this.state.preIconClass}`} type="cry" />
  61. <Range min={1} max={100} onChange={this.onIconRangeProcess.bind(this)} value={this.state.valueIcon} />
  62. <Icon className={`myicon ${this.state.afterIconClass}`} type="smile" />
  63. </div>
  64. </div>
  65. );
  66. }
  67. }
  68. ReactDOM.render(<Demo />, mountNode);
  1. .iconWrapper {
  2. position: relative;
  3. padding: 0px 40px;
  4. }
  5. .iconWrapper .myicon {
  6. position: absolute;
  7. top: -3px;
  8. width: 16px;
  9. height: 16px;
  10. line-height: 1;
  11. font-size: 16px;
  12. color: #ccc;
  13. }
  14. .iconWrapper .myicon:first-child {
  15. left: 0;
  16. }
  17. .iconWrapper .myicon:last-child {
  18. right: 0;
  19. }
  20. .myicon.myicon-highlight {
  21. color: #666;
  22. }


tipRender 示例

Range 区段选择器 - 图7


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. class App extends React.Component {
  3. constructor(props) {
  4. super(props);
  5. this.state = {
  6. value: 128
  7. };
  8. }
  9. // This callback will be triggered when startValue and endValue aren't equal after moving.
  10. onChange(value) {
  11. console.log('onChange value:', value);
  12. }
  13. // This callback will be triggered when startValue and endValue aren't equal after mousedown/mousemove. You can call setState here when using a controlled component.
  14. onProcess(value) {
  15. console.log('onProcess');
  16. this.setState({value});
  17. }
  18. formatter(value) {
  19. return `$${value}`;
  20. }
  21. render() {
  22. return (
  23. <div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  24. <p>Range 0 ~ 1024</p>
  25. <div style={{width: '400px', marginTop: '50px'}}>
  26. <Range defaultValue={256} tipRender={this.formatter.bind(this)} value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)}
  27. onProcess={this.onProcess.bind(this)}
  28. min={0} max={1024} marks={[0, 1024]} />
  29. </div>
  30. </div>
  31. );
  32. }
  33. }
  34. ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);


设置reverse为true, 选中态会反转。

Range 区段选择器 - 图8


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const style = {
  3. marginBottom: '15px'
  4. };
  5. ReactDOM.render(
  6. <div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  7. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} hasTip={false} />
  8. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} reverse hasTip={false} />
  9. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} style={style} />
  10. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} style={style} reverse />
  11. <Range defaultValue={30} disabled style={style} />
  12. <Range defaultValue={30} disabled style={style} reverse />
  13. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} disabled style={style} />
  14. <Range slider={'double'} defaultValue={[20, 40]} disabled style={style} reverse />
  15. </div>, mountNode);



Range 区段选择器 - 图9


  1. import { Range } from '@alifd/next';
  2. const style = {
  3. marginBottom: '15px'
  4. };
  5. ReactDOM.render(<div style={{width: '400px', margin: '50px'}}>
  6. <h4>single slider - from left to right</h4>
  7. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} hasTip={false} />
  8. <h4>single slider - from right to left</h4>
  9. <Range defaultValue={30} style={style} reverse hasTip={false} />
  10. </div>, mountNode);


Range 区段选择器 - 图10
