
The signalfx adapter collects Istio metrics and trace spans and sends themto SignalFx.

This adapter supports the metric templateand the tracespan template.

If sending trace spans, this adapter can make use of certain conventions inthe tracespan format that is configured to send to this adapter. Here is anexample tracespan spec that will work well:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: instance
  3. metadata:
  4. name: signalfx
  5. spec:
  6. compiledTemplate: tracespan
  7. params:
  8. traceId: request.headers["x-b3-traceid"] | ""
  9. spanId: request.headers["x-b3-spanid"] | ""
  10. parentSpanId: request.headers["x-b3-parentspanid"] | ""
  11. # If the path contains query parameters, they will be split off and put into
  12. # tags such that the span name sent to SignalFx will consist only of the path
  13. # itself.
  14. spanName: request.path | "/"
  15. startTime: request.time
  16. endTime: response.time
  17. # If this is >=500, the span will get an 'error' tag
  18. httpStatusCode: response.code | 0
  19. clientSpan: context.reporter.kind == "outbound"
  20. # Span tags below that do not have comments are useful but optional and will
  21. # be passed to SignalFx unmodified. The tags that have comments are interpreted
  22. # in a special manner, but are still optional.
  23. spanTags:
  24. # This is used to determine whether the span pertains to the client or
  25. # server side of the request.
  26. context.reporter.local: context.reporter.local
  27. # This gets put into the remoteEndpoint.ipv4 field
  28. destination.ip: destination.ip | ip("")
  29. # This gets flattened out to individual tags of the form
  30. # 'destination.labels.<key>: <value>'.
  31. destination.labels: destination.labels
  32. # This gets put into the field
  33. | "unknown"
  34. destination.namespace: destination.namespace | "unknown"
  35. | ""
  36. request.method: request.method | ""
  37. request.path: request.path | ""
  38. request.size: request.size | 0
  39. request.useragent: request.useragent | ""
  40. response.size: response.size | 0
  41. # This gets put into the field
  42. | "unknown"
  43. # This gets put into the localEndpoint.ipv4 field
  44. source.ip: source.ip | ip("")
  45. source.namespace: source.namespace | "unknown"
  46. # This gets flattened out to individual tags of the form
  47. # 'source.labels.<key>: <value>'.
  48. source.labels: source.labels
  49. source.version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"


Configuration format for the signalfx adapter.

metricsMetricConfig[]Required. The set of metrics to send to SignalFx. If an Istio metric isconfigured to be sent to this adapter, it must have a correspondingdescription here.No
ingestUrlstringOptional. The URL of the SignalFx ingest server to use. Will default tothe global ingest server if not specified.No
accessTokenstringRequired. The access token for the SignalFx organization that shouldreceive the metrics.No
datapointIntervalDurationOptional. Specifies how frequently to send metrics to SignalFx. Metricsreported to this adapter are collected and reported as a timeseries.This will be rounded to the nearest second and rounded values less thanone second are not valid. Defaults to 10 seconds if not specified.No
enableMetricsboolOptional. If set to false, metrics won’t be sent (but trace spans willbe sent, unless otherwise disabled).No
enableTracingboolOptional. If set to false, trace spans won’t be sent (but metrics willbe sent, unless otherwise disabled).No
tracingBufferSizeuint32Optional. The number of trace spans that the adapter will buffer beforedropping them. This defaults to 1000 spans but can be configured higherif needed. An error message will be logged if spans are dropped.No
tracingSampleProbabilitydoubleOptional. The uniform probability ([0.0, 1.0]) that a given span getssampled if its parent was not already sampled. Child spans will alwaysbe sampled if their parent is. If not provided, defaults to sending allspans.No


Describes what metrics should be sent to SignalFx and in what form.

namestringRequired. The name of the metric as it is sent to the adapter. InKubernetes this is of the form <name>.metric.<namespace> where<name> is the name field of the metric resource, and <namespace>is the namespace of the metric resource.No
typeTypeThe metric type of the metricNo


Describes what kind of metric this is.

NONENone is the default and is invalid
COUNTERValues with the same set of dimensions will be added togetheras a continuously incrementing value.
HISTOGRAMA histogram distribution. This will result in several metricsemitted for each unique set of dimensions.