
WebAssembly is a sandboxing technology which can be used to extend the Istio proxy (Envoy). The Proxy-Wasm sandbox API replaces Mixer as the primary extension mechanism in Istio. Istio 1.6 will provide a uniform configuration API for Proxy-Wasm plugins.

WebAssembly sandbox goals:

  • Efficiency - An extension adds low latency, CPU, and memory overhead.
  • Function - An extension can enforce policy, collect telemetry, and perform payload mutations.
  • Isolation - A programming error or crash in one plugin doesn’t affect other plugins.
  • Configuration - The plugins are configured using an API that is consistent with other Istio APIs. An extension can be configured dynamically.
  • Operator - An extension can be canaried and deployed as log-only, fail-open or fail-close.
  • Extension developer - The plugin can be written in several programming languages.

This video talk is an introduction about architecture of WebAssembly integration.

High-level architecture

Istio extensions (Proxy-Wasm plugins) have several components:

  • Filter Service Provider Interface (SPI) for building Proxy-Wasm plugins for filters.
  • Sandbox V8 Wasm Runtime embedded in Envoy.
  • Host APIs for headers, trailers and metadata.
  • Call out APIs for gRPC and HTTP calls.
  • Stats and Logging APIs for metrics and monitoring.

Extending Istio/Envoy

Extending Istio/Envoy


An example C++ Proxy-Wasm plugin for a filter can be found here.

To implement a Proxy-Wasm plugin for a filter:


A detailed description of the C++ SDK can be found here.


See also

Extended and Improved WebAssemblyHub to Bring the Power of WebAssembly to Envoy and Istio

Community partner tooling of Wasm for Istio by Solo.io.

Declarative WebAssembly deployment for Istio

Configuring Wasm extensions for Envoy and Istio declaratively.

Redefining extensibility in proxies - introducing WebAssembly to Envoy and Istio

The future of Istio extensibility using WASM.