
Now that you’ve completed the locality load balancing tasks, let’s cleanup.

Remove generated files

  1. $ rm -f sample.yaml helloworld-region*.zone*.yaml

Remove the sample namespace

  1. $ for CTX in "$CTX_PRIMARY" "$CTX_R1_Z1" "$CTX_R1_Z2" "$CTX_R2_Z3" "$CTX_R3_Z4"; \
  2. do \
  3. kubectl --context="$CTX" delete ns sample --ignore-not-found=true; \
  4. done

Congratulations! You successfully completed the locality load balancing task!

See also

Before you begin

Initial steps before configuring locality load balancing.

Locality failover

This task demonstrates how to configure your mesh for locality failover.

Locality weighted distribution

This guide demonstrates how to configure locality distribution.