jcli center start

jcli center start

Start Jenkins server from a cache directory


Start Jenkins server from a cache directory

  1. jcli center start [flags]


  1. --admin-can-generate-new-tokens If enabled, the users with administer permissions can generate new tokens for other users
  2. --concurrent-indexing int Concurrent indexing limit, take this value only it is bigger than -1 (default -1)
  3. --context string Jenkins Web 应用的上下文 (default "/")
  4. --download 当文件不存在时是否要下载 jenkins.war (default true)
  5. --dry-run 不真正地运行 jenkins.war
  6. --env stringArray 传递给 Jenkins 的键值对的环境变量
  7. --formula string The formula of jenkins.war, only support zh currently
  8. -h, --help help for start
  9. --https-cert string HTTPS 协议的证书文件路径
  10. --https-enable 是否要启用 HTTPS
  11. --https-port int HTTPS 协议的端口 (default 8083)
  12. --https-private string HTTPS 协议的私钥文件路径
  13. --lts If you want to download Jenkins as LTS (default true)
  14. --port int Jenkins 的端口 (default 8080)
  15. --random-web-dir If start jenkins.war in a random web dir
  16. --setup-wizard 是否要在第一次启动时显示配置向导 (default true)
  17. --sys stringArray System property key-value
  18. --version string jenkins.war 的版本 (default "2.190.3")

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --config-load If load a default config file (default true)
  2. --configFile string 指定另外一个配置文件
  3. --debug Print the output into debug.html
  4. --doctor Run the diagnose for current command
  5. --insecureSkipVerify If skip insecure skip verify (default true)
  6. -j, --jenkins string 选择本次执行的 Jenkins
  7. --logger-level string Logger level which could be: debug, info, warn, error (default "warn")
  8. --proxy string The proxy of connection to Jenkins
  9. --proxy-auth string The auth of proxy of connection to Jenkins
  10. --proxy-disable Disable proxy setting
  11. --token string The token of Jenkins
  12. --url string The URL of Jenkins
  13. --username string The username of Jenkins