Note: When upgrading, upgrade server nodes first one at a time then any worker nodes.

    To upgrade K3s from an older version you can re-run the installation script using the same flags, for example:

    1. curl -sfL | sh -

    If you want to upgrade to specific version you can run the following command:

    1. curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=vX.Y.Z-rc1 sh -

    Or to manually upgrade K3s:

    • Download the desired version of K3s from releases
    • Install to an appropriate location (normally /usr/local/bin/k3s)
    • Stop the old version
    • Start the new versionRestarting K3s is supported by the installation script for systemd and openrc.To restart manually for systemd use:
    1. sudo systemctl restart k3s

    To restart manually for openrc use:

    1. sudo service k3s restart