How To Enable the Dev Portal

Enable Dev Portal in the Kong Configuration or within a Docker container for Docker installations.

Enable Dev Portal in the Kong Configuration

  1. To enable the Dev Portal, the following properties must be set in the Kong configuration file (kong.conf):

    1. portal = on

    Kong Gateway must be restarted for this value to take effect.

  2. Enable the default Workspace Dev Portal via Kong Manager:

    1. Navigate to the default Workspace in Kong Manager
    2. Click the Settings link under Dev Portal
    3. Toggle the Dev Portal Switch

    It may take a few seconds for the Settings page to populate.

    To enable the default Workspace’s Dev portal via the command line:

    1. curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/workspaces/default --data "config.portal=true"
    • This will expose the default Dev Portal at http://localhost:8003/default
    • The Dev Portal Files endpoint can be accessed at :8001/files
    • The Public Dev Portal Files API can be accessed at :8004/files

Enable Dev Portal with Docker installation

This feature is only available with a Kong Konnect Enterprise subscription.

  1. Deploy a license.

  2. In your Docker container, set the Portal URL and set KONG_PORTAL to on:

    1. echo "KONG_PORTAL_GUI_HOST=localhost:8003 KONG_PORTAL=on kong reload exit" \
    2. | docker exec -i kong /bin/sh

    The HOSTNAME for KONG_PORTAL_GUI_HOST should not be preceded by a protocol, for example, http://.

  3. Execute the following command:

    1. curl -X PATCH --url http://{HOSTNAME}:8001/workspaces/default \
    2. --data "config.portal=true"
  4. Access the Dev Portal for the default workspace using the URL specified in the KONG_PORTAL_GUI_HOST variable:

    1. http://{HOSTNAME}:8003/default