Install All Optional Components


The installer only installs required components (i.e. minimal installation) by default since v2.1.0. Other components are designed to be pluggable, which means you can enable any of them before or after installation. If your machine meets the following minimum requirements, we recommend you to enable all components before installation. A complete installation gives you an opportunity to comprehensively discover the container platform.

Minimum Requirements

  • CPU: 8 cores in total of all machines
  • Memory: 16 GB in total of all machines


This tutorial will walk you through how to enable all components of KubeSphere.

Download Installer Package

If you do not have the package yet, please run the following commands to download Installer 2.1.1 and unpack it, then enter conf folder.

  1. $ curl -L > installer.tar.gz \
  2. && tar -zxf installer.tar.gz && cd kubesphere-all-v2.1.1/conf

Enable All Components

Edit conf/common.yaml, reference the following changes with values being true which are false by default.

  2. # logging is an optional component when installing KubeSphere, and
  3. # Kubernetes builtin logging APIs will be used if logging_enabled is set to false.
  4. # Builtin logging only provides limited functions, so recommend to enable logging.
  5. logging_enabled: true # Whether to install logging system
  6. elasticsearch_master_replica: 1 # total number of master nodes, it's not allowed to use even number
  7. elasticsearch_data_replica: 2 # total number of data nodes
  8. elasticsearch_volume_size: 20Gi # Elasticsearch volume size
  9. log_max_age: 7 # Log retention time in built-in Elasticsearch, it is 7 days by default.
  10. elk_prefix: logstash # the string making up index names. The index name will be formatted as ks-<elk_prefix>-log
  11. kibana_enabled: false # Kibana Whether to install built-in Grafana
  12. #external_es_url: SHOULD_BE_REPLACED # External Elasticsearch address, KubeSphere supports integrate with Elasticsearch outside the cluster, which can reduce the resource consumption.
  13. #external_es_port: SHOULD_BE_REPLACED # External Elasticsearch service port
  14. #DevOps Configuration
  15. devops_enabled: true # Whether to install built-in DevOps system (Supports CI/CD pipeline, Source/Binary to image)
  16. jenkins_memory_lim: 8Gi # Jenkins memory limit, it is 8 Gi by default
  17. jenkins_memory_req: 4Gi # Jenkins memory request, it is 4 Gi by default
  18. jenkins_volume_size: 8Gi # Jenkins volume size, it is 8 Gi by default
  19. jenkinsJavaOpts_Xms: 3g # Following three are JVM parameters
  20. jenkinsJavaOpts_Xmx: 6g
  21. jenkinsJavaOpts_MaxRAM: 8g
  22. sonarqube_enabled: true # Whether to install built-in SonarQube
  23. #sonar_server_url: SHOULD_BE_REPLACED # External SonarQube address, KubeSphere supports integrate with SonarQube outside the cluster, which can reduce the resource consumption.
  24. #sonar_server_token: SHOULD_BE_REPLACED # SonarQube token
  25. # Following components are all optional for KubeSphere,
  26. # Which could be turned on to install it before installation or later by updating its value to true
  27. openpitrix_enabled: true # KubeSphere application store
  28. metrics_server_enabled: true # For KubeSphere HPA to use
  29. servicemesh_enabled: true # KubeSphere service mesh system(Istio-based)
  30. notification_enabled: true # KubeSphere notification system
  31. alerting_enabled: true # KubeSphere alerting system

Save it, then you can continue the installation process.